Name: Yamamoto Genryuusai
Division: 1st
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai: Ryuujin Jakka
- release command → "Banshou Issai Kaijin To Nase!" ("Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust!")
Oldest and strongest heat based zanpakutou. It's fire can burn anything in the soul world.
Ban-Kai: Unknown
Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryusai is the Captain of Soul Society's First Division, often referred to with the title of Captain General. General Yamamoto founded the shinigami academy about 2000 years before the story of Bleach began, and has used it to train many generations of Death Gods. Yamamoto was a teacher at this academy, and personally instructed Shunsui Kyoraku and Jushiro Ukitake, both of which would go on to become Captains of the Gotei 13 themselves. Yamamoto admits to being proud of Ukitake and Kyoraku and that when they first became Captains of Soul Society, he boasted about them as though they were his own sons.
During the Soul Society Arc, Yamamoto spends much of the time organizing the other twelve Captains rather than doing things personally, but when Shunsui and Jushiro make the move to stop the execution of Rukia Kuchiki, their former teacher was the one to step up and face both of them on his own. Though appearing feeble and frail, he is perhaps the most powerful Captain of Soul Society, with possible exception to Aizen Sousuke.
At the end of the Arc, he has made peace with Ichigo and his companions, even allowing Orihime passage into Soul Society during her training with Rukia. He stays in contact with Captain Hitsugaya via a communication system set up in Orihime's house, and has his Shinigami fight alongside Ichigo and his companions, even seeking them out while they were still in school.
The embodiment of conviction, Yamamoto follows the laws and regultaions of Soul Society to the letter, and expects the same of others. He is not a man to tolerate insubordination, and is vocal with those who attempt to be such a way. He is wuick to anger in the face of possible betrayal, and appears rather ruthless in combat. When in a state of peace, he carries himself with an air of fragility, even to the point where he has fallen asleep standing while awaiting Shunsui Kyoraku's arrival for a meeting.
Yamamoto possesses a powerful Reiatsu, capable of paralyzing Lieutenant Nanao Ise with a simply look. This later caused her to faint, and she had to be taken a safe distance away from the Captain General simply to regain her ability to breathe. He is also seen to be experienced in the art of Shunpo, though is not quite as fast as Shunsui or Ukitake, possibly due to his age.
His Zanapkutou is the most ancient one in Soul Society, as well as being the most powerful fire type. Ryujin Jakka (Flowing Blade like Flame) is activated by the command "Bansho Issai Kaijin to Nase" (Reduce the whole of creation to smoldering ashes), at which point the blade of the sword is transformed into fire. The aura of this weapon can disintegrate anything that Yamamoto waves the sword at, changing it into nothing more than into ash and engulfing the surrounding landscape in flames. Kyoraku and Ukitake, both high ;level Captains, can resist instant death at the hands of this weapon, but are still being injured by it's presence.
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai: Suzumebachi (Sparrow Hornet)
- release command: "Jinteki Syakusetsu!" (Sting All Your Enemies to Death)
First seen when fighting with Yoruichi, Soi Fong’s zanpakutou changes drastically in appearance and ability. When transformed, Suzumbachi takes the form of a glove that fits to Soi Fong’s Right Hand, with a chain attaching the “stinger” to the top of the glove. With a cone-like shape, the “stinger” sits on Soi Fong’s middle finger, extending at a length about twice as far as the normal extension of the finger, allowing Soi Fong’s striking distance to increase slightly. Ornately decorated in gold and black, the zanpakutou is fitting of the name as the pattern and shapes resemble that of a hornet or bee.
Totally integrated into her natural abilities with shyunpo, Suzumbachi’s ability indeed proves deadly. Called Nigeki Kessatsu ‘Death in Two Steps’, Soi Fong stabs her enemy with the Suzumbachi’s blade. Not only leaving a rather deep wound, the attack leaves a stamp on the user’s body. Spreading from the center of wound, the ‘death stamp’ known as a houmonka or ‘Hornet’s Rune Flower’ becomes the target of Soi Fong’s second attack. If struck in the same spot that was hit the first time, the person will evidently die and thus illustrating ‘Death in Two Steps’.
Ban-Kai: Unknown
Soi Fong's family carries a long line of serving the Scret Mobile Forces, placing her in a position to follow those footsteps. From what appeared to be an impressionable young age, she was sent to the Mobile forces, her name changed from Fong Shaolin to Soi Fong on the day she became a Shinigami. She soon became the personal bodyguard of Yoruichi Shihouin, who became a sisterly figure to Soi Fong, as she followed in her superior's footsteps.
After Yoruichi disappeared from Soul Society, Soi Fong was almost broken hearted; she'd have rather abandoned Soul SOciety herself than to be apart from the most important person in her life. This sadness soon turned to bitterness, as Soi Fong made it her personal goal to become better than Yoruichi had ever been, harboring the dream that she would one day defeat her former commander. She rose to become the new Commander of the Secret Mobile Forces, as well as being Captain of the Second Division.
During the Soul Society Arc, she was presented with that chance, battling Shihouin intensly as combat at the execution grounds began. There, she proved to be Yoruichi's equal in unarmed combat, and used her Shikai in order to tip the scales in her favor. As this plan didn't worked out, due to her opponent's strong survival skills allowing her to avoid the instant death, Soi Fong declared that she would win with the new technique she had created, known as Shunko. Much to her dismay, she discovered that Yoruichi had discovered this ability before her, and that even she had yet to master it, but was able to defeat her with a single attack from it.
The pair reconsiled their differences, placing Soi Fong back where she belonged; at the side of her ex-commander. There, the two women briefly captured Aizen Sousuke, before the Menos Army came to his rescue. In later ventures, she would assist Yoruichi during the time of the Bount filler arc, making first contact with them, and reporting it back to Soul Society while Shihouin relayed it to Urahara and Ichigo.
First impressions made Soi Fong appear as a rigid follower of Soul Society's laws and order, with a cold streak unrivaled among the Captains of the Gotei 13. She is seen almost always scowling before the events at the Execution ground, and reacted with much anger when Yoruichi made her arrival. In combat, she was more precision than anything, her mind kept in a total focus, though she was also the victim of some pride, which was usually a drawback for her when facing off against her past leader. Her early years in the Secret Mobile Forces showed a much more shy and reserved indivdual, who was far too caught up in formalities for the taste of Yoruichi, who tried to wear Soi Fong down to just calling her by her actual name, rather than some position. The pair formed a deep sister-like bond between them, that was torn apart when Yoruichi left Soul Society.
After their reunion, that bond seemed to return in Soi Fong's heart, though it is not as well recieved with Yoruichi. In the anime, they are seen to work together whenever Soul Society and Ichigo's companions join forces, both during the Bount filler arc and in the Bleach OVA, the Sealed Sword Frenzy. Additionally, in the non-canon Omakes at the end of the episodes, Soi Fong is seen as trying to present a gift of chocolate to Yoruichi, her cheeks red as she acted rather sheepishly, possibly implying romantic feelings.
Having modeled herself after Yoruichi, Soi Fong's fighting style is very similar to hers, and uses hand-to-hand combat as a basis rather than the more traditional useage of a Zanpakutou. Like Shihouin, who had taught Soi Fong much of her affective skills when she was under her leadership, she makes use of high speed attacks using both hands and feet, as well as flexible acrobatics and Shunpo. Like Yoruichi, Soi Fong also learned Shunko (Flash Cry) through personally discovery.
Her Zanpakutou, known as Suzumebachi (Hornet), is one of the more interesting forms within the series, taking on the form of a gauntlet with a single "stinger"; it even possesses a yellow and black color scheme, likening it to a bee or wasp. It's unique power creates the image of a butterfly on a person's body when it makes contact, and striking the same point a second time, with the butterflies as markers of this place, the user can grant an instant death to the victim. Soi Fong implies that this was incomplete when Yoruichi last saw it, as the butterflies faded away over time, but now that she had had several years of experience, the marks do not fade away at all, unless Soi Fong wills them to herself. The activation command for this Zanpakutou is "Jinteki Shakusetsu" (Sting all enemies to
Soi Fong was born as Fong Shaolin, a member of one of the lower noble houses, noted as a servant clan to the Shihouin noble house. Members of the Fong Family who did not pass the test to get into the Covert Ops were immediately cut off from the family, which brings to light the importance of service to that family.
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai → Minatzuki
- release command → unknown
A giant manta ray type creature that emerges from the hilt of Unohana's zanpakutou. The inside of its stomach has healing abilities.
ban-Kai → Unknown
Unohana Retsu’s first appearance is in the emergency meeting of the Taicho gathered by Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni. However she says nothing at this time, and the next time she is seen is at the time of Aizen Sousuke’s death, when she confirms with Komamura Sajin and Tousen Kaname that Aizen is dead.
After that, Yamada Hanatarou is “caught” by Ukitake Jyuushirou and brought before Unohana for judgment. Despite the reasons put forth by Ukitake, she determines that Hanatarou must be imprisoned on account of the fact that he is a seated officer in her division and the harm that the ryoka has supposedly done.
As head of the medical relief division, Unohana’s healing prowess is legendary and this is shown when she next makes a major appearance, that of the time when Abarai Renji challenges Kuchiki Byakuya and is defeated by the latter’s Ban Kai. She manages to save Abarai from certain death, delaying her arrival at the Soukyoku Stand for Kuchiki Rukia’s execution.
Kotetsu Isane, her Fuku-Taicho, expresses the regret that Yamamoto lied to Rukia regarding the release of the ryoka, and it is at this moment that Unohana arrives and tells Isane that despite the harshness of such a lie, if it allows Rukia to leave peacefully then it is for the better good.
After the chaos of Kurosaki Ichigo arriving at the scene, destroying the Soukyoku Stand and starting his battle with Kuchiki Byakuya, the respective Taicho then head off to their own battles. Unohana then releases Minazuki, even though it is not shown how, and saves all those hurt during the fighting, keeping Isane with her on top of Minazuki while allowing Minazuki to heal the rest inside of her (Minazuki).

Arriving at the Relief Station, Unohana asks Minazuki to release everyone, seals Minazuki back, and asks the division members to keep the injured personnel for a time inside the station. She then asks Isane to follow her to Center 46.
They arrive at the scene in time to see Aizen defeating Hitsugaya Toushirou. After that, Unohana makes her presence known by saying, “Captain Aizen. No. You no longer have the right to be called Captain. The traitorous criminal, Aizen Sousuke.”
Aizen then replies “Domo,” (which is a pun, because domo can mean hello and thank you) and asks if Unohana guessed if he was there easily.
Citing the reason that the Offices of Center 46 was the only place he could hide at and the elaborate corpse doll, Aizen then points that she made two mistakes in her analysis. The first was that he was not here to hide, and the second was immediately shown as he does releases Kyoukasuigetsu in front of Unohana and displays the “corpse doll”.
He then proceeds to tell Unohana of his Zanpakutou ability, Complete Hypnosis, and of the fact that there was a third member of the clique, Tousen. He and Ichimaru Gin then teleport to Soukyoku Hill.
Unohana immediately requests Isane to find out his exact location. Upon successful location, Unohana then asks Isane to inform everyone of Aizen’s betrayal, including the ryoka, while she takes steps to save Hitsugaya and Hinamori Momo, the latter of which Aizen had fatally stabbed earlier, before Hitsugaya had made his appearance.
After ensuring that both would escape death at the moment, she leaves them in the care of Isane and travels via Minazuki to the Soukyoku Stand, where she tells Yasochika Iemura, the sanseki of her division, that the ryoka do not require help (upon her observation). She then settles down beside Kuchiki Byakuya and gently reproves him, saying that he has pushed himself too hard. She then calls Rukia closer upon Byakuya’s request, and thus is Byakuya’s reason for coldness revealed.
After that, Unohana stops two 11th Squad members from creating a ruckus at the 4th Division’s Relief Station, and also tries to get Hitsugaya to talk to Hinamori, who is unconscious. He, however, gives the reply that “the way I am now, I have nothing to say to her.”
The motherly character of Soul Society, Unohana has a gentle and warm personality that augments her appearance. Her healing powers cannot be denied and she also has a great sense of duty, in both the times that she orders Hanatarou’s imprisonment and Isane’s chasing of Abarai when he runs away with Rukia. With her grace and kind manners, she lets others know quietly that while she may be soft, she is not to be taken lightly. None has ever disputed this fact, for she is an indispensable part of Soul Society and the Gotei 13 Squads.
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai → Senbonzakura (One Thousand Cherry Blossoms)
- release command → "Chire!" ("Scatter!")
One thousand blades that are so small they can not be seen, when those blades take flight the reflections of the light cause them to look like scattered flower petals. They scatter and shread the enemy.
Ban-Kai → Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (One Thousand Cherry Blossoms Brutal Shadows) Byakuya releases his zanpakutou and one thousand swords apear all around him. They rise from the ground then those thousand swords scatter and countless flying blades peirce through the enemy. No one knows the exact number of blades generated. No one can see the movements of those blades or dodge them, except Kurosaki Ichigo. Byakuya's Ban-kai's final stage is called Hakutieken (White Imperial Blade)
Kuchiki Byakuya first arrived in Bleach as the silent yet powerful Shinigami sent to Kuraku town alongside Renji to find and bring Rukia back to Soul-Society. His power is immediately made evident when he steps in to aid Renji in his fight with Ichigo ending things in a matter of seconds leaving Ichigo bladeless and lying face down on the ground with what he thought was little hope for survival; and this proves to be only the beginning of his power. Descending from the Kuchiki clan one of the four noble houses of soul society captain of the 6th division Kuchiki Byakuya is also Rukias older brother though they are not related by blood rather, Rukia was adopted in to the Kuchiki family. Because of his noble roots and his superior level of power Byakuya tends to carry himself with a level of arrogance and an I’m-better-than you attitude, this is clearly seen by the quite rude and often times sarcastic manner in which he talks to most people around him.

Byakuya is also a shining example of what a shingami should be as he is extremely law-abiding, this devotion to the law is also heightened by the fact that he is a descendant of a noble family to Byakuya it is the responsibility of the Nobles to lead by example if they do not obey the rules of Soul Society then who will. Byakuya is a nobleman to the core and appears to be unflinching in his devotion to his duty even after Rukia has been sentenced to execution. In his mind regardless of whatever conflicts he may have been feeling on the inside his duty as nobleman and a shingami was to uphold the law and word of the 46 chambers; no feelings he may have would be allowed get in the way of his duty as a result of this his outer shell never cracks or shows anything other than his typically cold exterior.
There have only been two occasions when Byakuya stepped out of the bounds of his Noble responsibilities, firstly when he married his wife Hisana and secondly when he adopted Rukia into the Kuchiki family. His marriage to Hisana was looked down upon as she was not of noble descent and in the Kuchiki family the mixing of blood between somebody of a noble house and someone from Rukongai was forbidden, for this same reason it was also frowned upon when Byakuya adopted Rukia into the Kuchiki family. Rukia was the sister of Byakuyas late wife Hisana whom abandoned Rukia when they lived in Rukongai as the responsibility of raising her was too much, this decision was one that Hisana always regretted and on her death bed she asked Byakuya to find her sister and use his power to protect her. He did this by adopting Rukia into the Kuchiki family at which point he swore to himself on his parent’s grave that he would never again break any laws or overstep the bounds of Nobility. Byakuyas Zanpkautos name is Senbon Zakura (thousand cherry blossoms) in its unreleased form looks just like an ordinary Katana. To release his shikai Byakuya uses the simple phrase Shire·(scatter) at which point the blade of his zanpakuto seems to disappear, in actuality the blade has scattered into one thousand blades so small they can only be seen when they reflect the light and appear to twinkle in a manner extremely similar to scattered and falling cherry petals. His Bankai Senbon Zakura Kageyoshi is fundamentally the same as his shikai just with an increased level of power, after dropping his blade into the ground two rows of swords rise out of the ground next to Byakuya at which point the blades scatter again, however, in his bankai attack the sheer volume of the blades and speed of the attack mean that most people cannot even see it coming never mind actually dodging it. Byakuyas bankai also has a final stage Hakuteiken or white imperial blade where he gathers all the scattered blades of Senbon Zakura Kageyoshi and reforms them into a single white blade.But al last, he fall to Ichigo after the horrible fight with Hollow-Ichigo.Byakuya later risked his life to protect Rukia when Gin striked her.Somehow, he survived and continue his life.
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai → Unknown
Ban-Kai → Kokujoutengenmyouou An armoured giant appears.
Komamura Sajin first appears in the emergency Taicho meeting that questioned Ichimaru Gin’s apparent slip of duty in letting the ryoka go. Standing next to Tousen Kaname and Aizen Sousuke his relatively bigger size was readily apparent, but beyond that little is known of him except that he wears a sort of helmet.
After Aizen’s death, we again see Komamura as he visits Aizen’s body in the 4th Squad Relief Station, accompanied by Tousen, whom he appears to be rather close with. He still has not spoken at this point of time.
The first time he speaks is on the day of Kuchiki Rukia’s execution itself. As Iba Tetsuzaemon, his Fuku-Taicho, rushes towards Komamura, landing in a kneeling position and apologizing profusely for his latecoming, Komamura stops him in mid-sentence. He says that he knows Iba understands that he (Komamura) needed time to think through his own thoughts, for Komamura had reservations about Rukia’s execution that Iba had already perceived. They were, however, overridden purely by Komamura’s deep gratitude for Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni.
Komamura reveals at this point that because of his appearance, he was always an outcast. Yet Yamamoto took him in and took care of him, and because of this Komamura always strives to do something for Yamamoto. It is the same reason that has driven Komamura to become a Taicho among the Gotei 13 Squads.
At this time Tousen appears with Hisagi Shuuhei, his Fuku-Taicho, and Komamura asks him whether he holds the same view. Tousen merely replies that his eyes reflect the path of least blood and that he believes he walks the same path as Komamura.
Later, Komamura, Iba, Tousen and Hisagi stop Zaraki Kenpachi and his group in an open courtyard. Going through the verbal sparring, Zaraki is left with Tousen and Komamura. Komamura, getting tired of Zaraki’s arrogance, unleashes Tenken (a technique of his Zanpakutou, this is not his Shi Kai) upon Zaraki, and Tousen follows that up with Benihikou. Despite the heavy damage however, Zaraki laughs off the attacks and the three start fighting.
Despite their attacks, Komamura and Tousen are thrown about. Zaraki sneers at Komamura and asks him to release his Ban Kai and fight him. Komamura is greatly angered and answers that he does not require Ban Kai to fight a traitor like Zaraki. It is at this point that Tousen begins speaking to Zaraki, telling Komamura first that he will “do it” (as in release his Ban Kai).

Though Zaraki beats Tousen, Komamura stops Zaraki from killing Tousen, deflecting his blade with one arm and his helmet. Smashed in the process, the helmet falls to the ground in pieces. It is at this time that Komamura’s real appearance is revealed – he has the head of a fox, and his body is also a form of a humanoid fox’s. Releasing his Ban Kai at this time, Komamura faces Zaraki just as Rukia’s execution starts. After a short while, feeling that Yamamoto was releasing his own spirit power, he leaves the battleground to rush to Yamamoto’s aid.
Before he gets there, the message that Aizen and Tousen had betrayed Soul Society reaches him, and he rushes over to the Soukyoku Stand and jumps onto Aizen, who stops his blade with one hand. As Aizen calmly mentions that it has been quite a while since he last saw Komamura’s face, Komamura gets angrier and asks Aizen how he can still smile at this point in time, mentioning as well that he will never forgive Aizen and Tousen for betraying Soul Society.
Flashbacks at this time tell of the friendship of Tousen and Komamura. While practicing once in an open grassy area, Tousen chances upon someone, and because he is blind, had no idea where the person was. It was only when Komamura spoke that he realized he had talked in the wrong direction. Complimenting Komamura’s ability to hide his presence so well, Tousen said that he had never been able to not feel someone’s presence before, even though his eyes cannot see. Komamura was highly touched, for this was among the first times that he was not looked upon as an outcast.
Later they meet time and again during their time in the Gotei 13 Squads, and Aizen is also introduced to Komamura via Tousen’s recommendation.
Angered at their betrayal, Komamura finally asks Tousen for an explanation. Getting none, Komamura immediately does Ban Kai. However, under Kyoukasuigetsu’s hypnosis, he realizes too late that Aizen is right in front of him. Aizen then does Hadou no Kyuu-juu, Kuroihitsugi (Black Coffin) and defeats Komamura.
Komamura regains consciousness at the time of the three leaving, shouting for Tousen to get back down. “Why did you become a Shinigami?” he asks. “Was it not for your friend who died? Was it not for justice?”
Tousen replies that he had told Komamura before that “all that is reflected in these eyes is the path of least blood. The path I walk is justice.”
A week after that, Komamura stands in front of the grave of Tousen’s dead friend, asking her what she would have said to stop Tousen. Then, Hisagi makes his appearance, and Komamura is asked if Tousen will ever come back.
“Without a doubt,” he replies. “By our own hands, let us open his eyes.”
Komamura is the quintessential loyal and grateful subordinate. His deep gratitude for Yamamoto taking him in overrides all his own feelings, and for Yamamoto he will do anything, even die. He is a serious man at all times, deeply scarred by the times he was spurned by society for his appearance, yet undyingly loyal to the values he knows hold true.
Rank: Captain
Shi-Kai → Katen Kyoukotsu
- release command → "Hana Kaze Midarete Kashin Haki Tenpuu Midarete Tenma Warau" ("Flowers Fall In The Wind, The God Of Flower Weeps The Winds Of Heaven Are Falling Buddah's Laughing")
Shunsui has two zanpakutou's.
Ban-Kai → Unknown
With his old-style hat and his flashy flower coat, Kyouraku Shunsui strikes a rather different appearance from all the other Taicho, who wear the white coat symbolizing the Taicho rank on top of their normal Shinigami attire. Kyouraku wears his flower coat on top of that.
Kyouraku is among the first Taicho to encounter the “ryoka”. He meets up with Sado Yasutora, or Chad, in his squad compound. There, he gently drifts down from a second level to the ground amidst falling petals, then rises to announce his name to Chad.
In his conversation beforehand with his Fuku-Taicho, Ise Nanao, it can be seen that he is a humorous person, and this is shown once more as he tries to stop Ise from throwing out more petals as there were enough already. Ise then proceeds to dump the whole basket of petals on him.
However, despite his humor and his dislike for combat, once Chad engages him it is at once seen that he is no mere fool, but someone not to be taken lightly. He deflects Chad’s first attack with one arm, and then proceeds to dodge all of Chad’s attacks. Trying to stop Chad from going further, he asks Chad why he continues to fight, and for what reason. Despite his attempts to stop him both through speech and action, Chad continues to come at him. Seeing his determination, Kyouraku decides reluctantly to wound him, though he tells Chad that he plans to kill him, having no choice. Taking out his two swords, he watches as Chad runs towards him, then dodges Chad’s attack and slashes him.
At this time the message that Aizen Sousuke has been murdered arrives and Ise informs Kyouraku. Taking a look at Chad, she realizes he is not dead and asks to deliver the finishing blow. Stopping her, Kyouraku rationalizes that if it were indeed one of the ryoka who had killed Aizen, it would then be better to keep him alive and question him instead. He then asks her to send for people of the 4th Squad to rescue Chad.
Later, right before Rukia’s execution, a harried Ise finds Kyouraku on a rooftop, chewing on a blade of grass. Asking him to hurry up, Ise is irked when Kyouraku again tries to joke with her as usual. Then, getting serious, he asks her what he should do. She then replies that no matter what, he will still do what he wants. All she can do is keep right behind him and stay out of trouble. Kyouraku gives a sigh and says, “Then it will again be me that will get into trouble with Yama-jii (Yamamoto).”

At the execution, after Kurosaki Ichigo stops Kikou from executing Rukia, Ukitake appears with a shield sporting the Shihouin house crest and with Kyouraku eliminates Kikou from the scene. After the ruckus, they are left shocked when Ichigo destroys the Soukyoku Stand, and then Ichigo engages Kuchiki Byakuya after defeating three Fuku-Taicho. Trying to go to her sister, Kotetsu Kiyone runs forward and is followed by her colleague Kotsubaki Sentarou. Kotsubaki is then hit by Soi Fong and when Ukitake runs forward to stop Soi Fong, he is in turn stopped by Yamamoto.
Yamamoto gravely states that what they have done is beyond mere punishment and that they are not ignorant of what that means. Kyouraku then shows his thinking skills by grabbing Ukitake and running away first, with Ise in close pursuit. Ukitake then asks Kyouraku to release him as he wanted to save his subordinates. Kyouraku asks him not to worry, as on the one hand, they had to take the fight elsewhere, or else Yamamoto’s power would most likely cause more casualties, and on the other hand, that another on their side (Shihouin Yoruichi) was coming to help.
Running to a deserted spot, they reach the site and are confronted by Yamamoto. When Ise is nearly suffocated by Yamamoto’s spirit power, Kyouraku breaks their eye contact, and brings Ise via Shunpo to a safe place, and returns to the compliments of Yamamoto. This is when Yamamoto mentions the history of his two most beloved students.
Kyouraku was a diligent pupil under Yamamoto’s tutelage, along with Ukitake. Despite his frivolous nature and a penchant for women, Yamamoto states that he was “prudent and stronger than anyone at seeing through to the truth.” He also goes on to say that both of them had exceptional powers and that they were very strong at fighting. They were the first to become Taicho from the academy that Yamamoto had created himself. “I was proud of you…” Yamamoto states, “like my own children.”
Following that, Yamamoto draws his Zanpakutou against them. As he flares up, and releases his Zanpakutou’s Shi Kai, he then asks them both to do the same.
Kyouraku’s Zanpakutou is then revealed at this point to be a double-sword type, with a relatively long command release. His two swords are shaped like Arabian-type swords, and it is guessed, through his command release, that they are attack-type Zanpakutou. He and Ukitake then engage in the fight against Yamamoto.
During their fight, they receive news that Aizen had in fact been a traitor, and all three rush to the Soukyoku grounds. After Aizen’s successful escape, Kyouraku is not really seen anymore, except in a small scene in the anime where he mentions that Yamamoto is getting rusty as turning them into search squads will not really work.
His flashy appearance belies a strong character, and a man of peace. As mentioned, he is frivolous in behavior and hankers after women, a prime example being his “Nanao-chan” as he likes to call Ise. His peaceable nature is seen when dealing with Chad, and his sense of justice when he attempts to save Rukia with Ukitake. Despite his appearance, just the fact that he was among the first to become a Taicho should speak for his fighting ability, and he is what can be considered a worthy Taicho amongst the Gotei 13 Squads.
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai: Hyourinmaru (Ice Ring)
- release command: "Souten ni Zase!" ("Soar In The Frozen Sky!")
Creates a dragon of water and ice formed by spiritual energy, it can even control the weather. The pressure from Hyourinmaru's water attack is so fierce that it peels the ememies flesh from their bones.
Ban-Kai: Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)
Hitsugaya Toushirou is the 10th Squad Captain with Matsumoto Rangiku, one of the eight major female shinigami, as his Vice Captain. Hitsugaya and Hinamori Momo, Vice Captain of 5th Squad, have a history together, as seen in Episode 46 where Hinamori endearingly refers to him as Whitey-chan. At that moment in time as Hinamori was working to become a shinigami, Hitsugaya thought nothing of it because all he wanted was to eat watermelon and for Hinamori to stop calling him Whitey-chan. She told him that if he could be at the same level as she was then she would stop calling him Whitey-chan. Presently he is now seen as a shinigami prodigy because of his achievement of a high rank at such a young age. He can be characterized as somewhat of a take-charge type of character in BLEACH. Upon overhearing a conversation between Ichimaru Gin and 5th Squad Captain Aizen Sousuke he acts on his suspicions warning certain people about the sketchy 3rd Squad (Ichimaru Gin and Kira Izuru).
Hitsugaya’s suspicions seemingly turn into reality when Hinamori wakes up from a night spent at Aizen’s place to discover that he is not there and rushes off to a Vice Captain meeting. She takes a shortcut only to arrive on time to witness Aizen’s corpse situated on a wall with a sword pierced through his upper abdomen causing a trail of blood to run down the entire wall behind him. The situation goes from bad to worse as Ichimaru arrives and Hinamori attempts to attack him because he appeared to be the most likely suspect in this brutal murder. Kira jumps in to protect his superior from Hinamori’s emotional outburst but Hitsugaya intervenes before the two can shikai each other to death. He cares for Hinamori very much which is why he tries to open her eyes to see that her action is most inappropriate at a moment such as this (discovering your leader’s dead body). Toushirou has them both arrested and makes the threat to Gin that if he makes Hinamori spill one drop of blood, he’ll be breathing his last breath. In Episode 36 while Hinamori is in jail Matsumoto pays her a visit and hands her a letter addressed to her from her beloved Captain. Hitsugaya found the letter in Aizen’s quarters and it turned out to be what he was scribing the night that Hinamori paid him a visit. The letter held a warning of things to come and also reveals the schemes and plots of a certain someone among The Gotei 13.

During the absence of the leaders of 5th Squad, Hitsugaya takes over their business and paperwork with the help of Matsumoto Rangiku, his Vice Captain. As they are settled in the Administrative Office word comes from one of their officers that Hinamori has escaped and they suspect that she is hunting down Ichimaru. He goes off to save her not knowing that what Aizen wrote in the letter was that he, Hitsugaya Toushirou, was the one that murdered Captain Aizen. Episode 47 exposes all this and there is a face off between Hitsugaya, Hinamori, and Ichimaru. Hinamori attacks Toushirou as she whole-heartedly believed everything that Aizen wrote because she idolized the man for most of her Death God career. Hitsugaya strikes his confused friend in order to avoid further turmoil and then seeks to keep to his word of killing Gin if he ever made Hinamori spill blood. Episode 48 displays Hitsugaya’s shikai, Hyourinmaru, or Ice Ring as he fights with Ichimaru. The fight ceases when Rangiku appears after feeling the reiatsu of Toushirou’s shi-kai and stops Gin’s attack on Hinamori’s unconscious body.
The letter, we find out, was completely false as it depicted Hitsugaya as the one plotting to destroy Soul Society with the Soukyoku. At this instance Rukia’s execution had been frequently moved up until it will finally take place within 29 hours. Hitsugaya realizes that he needs to take action and he and Matsumoto quickly move to try and prevent the execution.
If you have been following the manga you know that Aizen is not the good guy he appeared to be and yes he is still alive. All this time he was manipulating everyone so that he could get a very important object out of Rukia. Hitsugaya makes an attempt to stop him only to get beaten and stomped on in the end, even when he used his ban-kai. In Chapter 194 Aizen has birthed a newer stronger breed of bad guys called Arankaru, powerful half ex-shinigami, half hollows. Captain Hitsugaya along with Renji, Rangiku, Yumichika, and Ikkaku arrive in the human world and surprise Ichigo at school in Chapter 195. This chapter also marks the return of Rukia. They are here to help fight the inevitable war that is going to happen and while they are at it they will be attending school with everyone!
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Appearance / Description:
Wears the normal Death god outfit and over it he wears the 11th division robe. Zaraki has a funky hairdo he spikes his hair and at the tips he adds bells. Why does he do this? So his opponents can stand a better chance when they fight him. Hearing the bells according to him will make it easier to hear him coming, His eye patch as sated before eats his spirit force since his spirit force is so enormous that he cant control it.
A little about him: Ruthless, strong, fierce, and scary. Zaraki Kenpachi is the captain of the 11th division. He fights for himself, and wants to become stronger as well. Even though he doesn’t know his swords name, this doesn’t mean his power is to be taken lightly. His astonishing spirit force is more than enough to make him part of the Gotei 13. His spirit force is so grand that he can’t control it, which is why he wears the eyes patch. It eats his spirit force so he doesn’t go all out on his opponents. He has shown that he loves to fight. Fighting is everything to him; the stronger his opponent is will make his fight much more enjoyable. Even if he’s at risk of dying he won’t back up on a fight.
His division: Although Zaraki appears to be ruthless, fierce, and scary he is a good captain. If needed he will aid his division members. As he showed when Ikkaku was about to be attacked by Mayuri. Zaraki stopped Mayuri in time and saved his squad member. Yachiru his vice captain and Zaraki seem to have a strong bond. Since they are always together. He met her before he entered the Gotei 13 and became captain. Although they seem like complete opposites they get along well. She gets away with calling him “Kenchan”, and he doesn’t mind it either.
Opponents thus far in the anime: Previous 11th division captain, Kurosaki Ichigo, Tousen Kaname, and Komamura Sajin. This is only for anime not for manga.
Name: Kurotshuchi Mayuri
Division: 12th
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai: Ashisogi Jizou (Beast-Killing Jizou)
- release command → "Kakimushire!" ("Tear off!")
Mayuri's zanpakutou turns into a weird staff like weapon with three prongs coming out the top. Ashisogi uses poison to sever the neural connections that transfer mobility signals from your brain to your arms and legs, it produces this drug all on it's own.
Ban-Kai: Golden Ashisogi Jizou (Golden Beaste-Killing Jizou)
Mayuri's Ban-Kai is strange it looks like a giant babyish alien with a ring around it's head and a pile of swords coming out it's chest. It Converts Mayuri's blood into a poisonous fog and spreads two hundred yards in radius.
12th division captain Kurotshuchi Majuri. One of the wierdest captains in Gotei 13 since his psycholigical and physical appearances are pretty odd. We meet him for the first time on Captains Special Meeting. He proves to be cruel and not very well behaved back then since he’s still in conflicts with other captains (especially with Kenpachi). Majuri is nowadays the President of the research institute of technology (he took this job after Urahara btw...). He’s tall, suspiciously looking guy with chains in his ears (sick!) and posionous, green blood (propably it is a part of his experiments).
Majuri took Urahara’s place after Kisuke was delayed from Soul Society because of his researches.From the very beginning he proves to be cruel and spoiled. He is able to took shinigamis life just to increase valuability of his researches. Propably he created his own body during one of the experiments, since it is very hard to destroy his soul form. Every time when his actual body is destroyed he turns into liquid and go back to his laboratory to create another body. Although it takes some time to restore his powers and make his body look like before.

Majuri’s history is unclear since we don’t know much about him. One is certain, he was one of the shinigamis who gave orders to vanish Quincy race 200 years before Bleach plot starts. Since that day he was researching quincy’s body to find clues about their powers. He is also responsible for Ishida’s grandfather death.
Kurotshuchi meets Ishida on his way and instantly wanted to research young quincy’s body. Fortunatelly Uryuu was powerfull enough to defeat Majuri (even in his Ban Kai state, -proves that quincy race had tremendous power). Battle was long and took a lot of damage to both sides (Ishida was pushed to use stg like BanKai for quincy’s, he reached his limits of power and easily defeated Majuri). During the fight Kuritshichi even deadly hurted his own vice captain - Namu (after all she’s his daughter) just to defeat quincy, but even with that he wasn’t able to strike down Ishida. Also in the middle of the battle he was honest enough to admit that he was the one who told shinigamis to capture Ishida’s grandpa.
Along with weird Majuri’s appearances comes his Zanpaktou abbilities. In the normal state it looks like an ordinary soul slayer but after "Kakimushire! Ashisogi Jizou!” it turns into something like Poseidon’s lance and... it just smells horribly bad... Jizou abbilites are certainly weak, cause it only can poison enemy by smell. Even it’s BanKai form is not powerfull enough to defeat ‘normal’ opponent. It reminds giant baby with blades upcoming from stomach... and it still smells awful. Despite that Majuri used to tell that he would split apart Kenpachi’s body in no time... yeah...
Majuri is also very self-confident and believes in his potential and abbilities. He’s also lazy in retrieving and obeying any orders and when problem is not basically connected with him, he’s not interfiering (when Aizen betrayed Gotei 13 and all captains were called to stop him, Kurotshuchi said ‘no, it’s not my problem’ and stayed home).
Despite that he’s quite interesting personallity and it would be great to see his battle with Urahara, since Kisuke never told anything good about Majuri and his researches...
Rank: Captain
Zanpakutou info:
Shi-Kai: Sougyo No Kotowari
- release command ? "Namie Kotogotoku Wa Ga Tate To Nare Ikazuchi Kotogotoku Wa Ga Yaiba To Nare" ("Every Wave Become My Shield, Every Lightning Become My Sword")
Reflecting the amazing strength and wisdom that Ukitake holds, his shikai is only one of two that come in pairs (with the other set belonging to Kyouraku Shunsui). Possibly reflecting the friendship that he and Shunsui hold after being the first two to graduate from Yamamoto Genryuusai’s shinigami academy, his zanpakutou is very elegant in form. The release command, pronounced in a poetic form for each blade, possibly reflects their power and ability.
For the First blade:
Nami kotogotoku ‘Be as the waves’
Wa ga tate to nare ‘Become my shield’
For the second blade:
Inazuchi kotogotoku ‘Be as lightning’
Wa ga yaiba to nare ‘Become my blade’
Once the incantation completed, he grasps the single blade with two hands. The blade then transforms slowly and begins to form two blades. As the blades peel apart. The large rope-like chain at the base of the blade begins to extend and the silver plaques attached the chain begin to fall until all 5 present themselves.
The blade is now somewhat thinner than the normal zanpakutou and the crossguard is no longer present. About 250cm from where the crossguard used to be, there is a 45 degree cut on the inside of the blade where a second blade is jutting back down and parallel to the main blade. With the edge of the blade facing inward instead of outward, the blade looks very artistic and rather difficult to handle. Due to the ever so handy placement of a small Yoruichi/Soi Fong battle, we are not able to view the power that the blade holds. But surely, because he was trained by Genryuusai-sensei personally, there has got to be some power behind those blades.
Ban-Kai: Unknown
As a young man during his years in the Shinigami academy, Ukitake was the wise and kind person that everyone looked up to for guidance and friendship. His wise demeanor only reflected his power as he

continued to soar through the ranks or the academy alongside his long time friend Shunsui. After being one of the first to graduate from the Shinigami Academy, he was almost guaranteed a spot on the Gotei 13. Although striking and wise, he did have flaws of his own—his weak body.
Although not directly stated as to the ailment, Ukitake suffers from a severe illness that seems to prevent him from doing battle on several successive occasions and requires progressive treatment. How ever weak his body may be, he is still very strong in spirit and fights to protect his friends and those who exist within his division. Exuding a kind nature to everyone that works in the 13th division, Ukitake seems to care for those who he loves. After all, he fights for Kuchiki Rukia correct? Does he not risk his life against his own sensei? The lengths he is willing to go and the strength that he truly possesses only allude to fathomless depths of his commitment and friendship.