[=!! chArActEr !!=] |
Haru Glory: The hero of the story. When we first meet Haru, he lives a quiet life on the rural Garage Island, with his sister Cattelya. Haru is fiercely determined to protect his sister in the absence of their parents, and is a fairly good fighter. At first, he dosn't wish to become the Rave Master, but when the island is attacked by Demon Card, he becomes determined to get rid of them. As the Rave Master, he holds the sword Ten Commandments, which can transform into different magical blades.
Although brash, hot-headed, and sometimes a bit dense and naive, Haru is extremely good natured and compassionate, extending friendship towards anyone he deems trustworthy, and defending anyone who can't do it themselves. He follows a lot of the values taught to him by his sister, and would do anything for his friends. He also cares for Elie a lot and is always on hand to protect her.
Elie: The ultra cute, feisty female lead. Elie is an enigma, as she has no memory of her life, only a few fleeting glances. When Haru saves her from Demon Card, she decides to join him in the hope of finding someone who knows her..
Constantly spunky and confident, Elie loves having fun with Plue, buying the latest fashions,and has a severe gambling addiction, thanks to her constant good luck. She's utterly determined to find her memories and aid Haru, and will stand by her friends no matter what, using her ton-fa (nightstick) guns.
Elie's search for her past has dug up several revelations. She holds within her a powerful magic named Etherion, which was once used by Resha Valentine to create Rave fifty years ago. This magic tends to be releashed whenever she is upset, and it scares her that she may harm her friends...
Plue: A dog? A snowman? A bug? God knows what the hell Plue is exactly, but he has an important purpose. Plue is the servant and guardian of Rave, and it's his job to look after the stone, and guide the way towards any nearby ones. Plue is nearly indestructable, only suseptable to warm water. He can also use Rave's power to heal people or create force fields.
Although Plue dosn't speak, he gestures any messages across. He cares very much for his master Haru and his friends, and gets upset whenever they are hurt. Plue mainly keeps the gang (and reader) amused, either by eating his entire body weight, or being thrown by his pals as a projectile.
Hamlio Musica: Every shonen series needs a good looking sidekick, and Musica fills the bill perfectly. Handsome, constantly cool under pressure, and a ladies man, but Musica is a deadly fighter. He is a Silver Claimer, gifted with the ability to take a piece of metal or silver, such as his necklace,and use his mind to transform it in various tools and weapons, like chains, whips, swords and his favourite, a large spear.
Musica is the leader of a gang of airship riding pirates, called the Silver Ryhthm. They concentrate on robbing Demon Card and giving the cash to the poor. Musica's family was wiped out by a Demon Card member, so Musica joins Haru to help him get rid of Demon Card, loaning him his ship and crew. The main reason he joined was to look for the Silver Ray, a battleship created by his tutor Rize. He managed to find the ship and destroy it, with the help of Reina.
Let: If Musica is the cool sidekick, then Let is the martial arts badass. He's a master of various martial arts, and can demolish buildings with his powerful blows. Let is a Dragon Man, meaning he has the ability to transform into a human/dragon hybrid. His full power is in human form, where he exhibits powers such as breathing fire and superhuman strength and agility.
Let is always looking for suitable opponents, and joins a group of Demonic Guards for that purpose alone. After being beaten by Haru, he decides to join him to help exterminate Demon Card... and get a rematch. Let is always calm, watching the scene detatchedly and remaining silent before joining the fray. Despite this, he does whatever he can to help his allies.
Let's true reason for joining was to find Jegan, the Oracion Sei who had killed his girlfriend Julia. He found out that Julia had become a full dragon, and was controlled by Jegan. After a bloody battle, Let eventually defeated Jegan, and was able to restore Julia to her true form.
Julia: Let's girlfriend. After she was restored back to her human form, the two got separated from the others, and set out to find them. Even though Julia looks frail, she's every bit as strong as Let, and has powers such as the fire breath.
She's a complete opposite of Let, sassy and friendly rather than distant. She likes teasing the others, including drawing on Let's face while he's asleep
Griffon Kato: Rave is full of strange looking creatures, and Griff is no exception. A two foot tall, elastic blue blob with eyes, arms and feelers for legs, Griff's day job is a taxi driver who carts passengers around with the help of Tanchimo, his large horse/giant rabbit with constantly shaking head. He's also the chartographer.
Griff is extremely loyal to his friends, though he often gets into spats with Musica. He's especially loyal to Plue, who once saved his homeland. He sometimes acts the coward, but always sticks by his pals. He's also a major pervert, and is always trying to catch Elie in the nude...
Ruby: Despite appearences, Ruby is a penguin. He's also rich. Bill Gates rich. He runs a large hovering casino handed down to him by his father, and likes to use his wealth to buy unusual and rare objects and nick-nacks. He tries to buy Plue once.
When we meet Ruby, he employs Doryu and his lackeys to get rare objects for him. But when he finds out Doryu is evil and no friend of his father, he runs away and joins Haru's crew. He offers to fund their journey for them.He tends to be rather gullible, but has enormous trust with his friends, and is always ready to help out. Even if his habit of saying 'poyo' after every sentence gets annoying.
Ruby later finds out from Sieg Hart that he has magic powers, and begins studying to be a magician. He figures out that his bell, a memento from his father, can transform into a sword and use magic.
Shuda: Shuda was originally one of the Oracion Sei's, the top generals of Demon Card. He persued Haru through the first stages of his journey, leading to a fight between the two on his battleship. Shuda apparantly plunged to his death, so the others were suprised when he reappeared, bearing scars (including a robotic hand) and offering to help the others. He explains that before he joined Demon Card, he was a friend of Gale Glory, the two friendly rivals always challenging each other. Gale asked Shuda to watch after his children before disappearing to find King. Shuda really went after Haru to prove himself against a Glory.
Though he can be ruthless and insulting toward others (like Musica), Shuda has proven himself to be a dependable friend. It seems he also has found love with Haru's sister Cattleya, whom he met on Garage Island...
Sieg Hart: The fangirl's favourite, this mysterious, silent man is a Guardian of Time. Sieg Hart considers it his mission to protect time, and eradicate any dangers which may change the future. A noble cause, but Sieg Hart is ready to exterminate anyone who gets in his way. He goes after Elie and almost kills her to prevent the release of her power, but is stopped by Haru. He later realises that only Haru and Elie together can bring Rave back to its true form, and helps them on their quest occasionally.
Sieg comes from the town of Mildean, a place populated with powerful magic users. It was here he learnt to become an Elemental Master, with powers of fire, water, earth and air. He's extremely cold toward others, only showing friendlyness toward Niebel and Hilde, two other magic users who helped him when he faced off against the powerul Haja.
Gale Glory: Gale is Haru and Cattleya's father, and one of the founders of Demon Card. He used to work together with his friend Gale Leagrove (King), but after a while, left to live peacefully on Garage Island, where he married his wife Sakura. After he found out that King was using Demon Card to extend his power over people, he asked the army to arrest King, but instead, they destroyed the headquarters and killed King's family. King vowed revenge, and killed Sakura, also placing a destructive Dark Bring within the shattered Gale. To keep his family safe, Gale went into hiding in the desert, where he met Shuda.
Years later, when Shuda informed him of King's location, and that Haru was there, Gale set out to King's tower, where he met Haru. The two fought King together, and finished him, before the tower began to collapse. Gale sacrificed himself to save Haru, telling him to find the Stellar Memories..
Solasido: Solasido is one of the guardians of the hidden city of Rabarrier. He and his friend Fau guard the city, which holds the second Rave piece, from demons in the employ of Demon Card. They help Haru and the gang out when they face King and his Demon Guards, Solasido using his massive four-pronged blade and his psychic ability to levitate objects. He's devoted to his job, and to protecting his sister Remi.
Remi Maltease: Remi is Solacido's sister, and a desendant of one of the knights which assisted Shiba fifty years ago. The gang believe her to be the holder of Rave, but she is really a decoy to foil the demons after the stone. Her wish is for her and her brother to return to their birthtown of Aqua Palace.
Seria: Seria is a mermaid who lives in a village at the bottom of a lake. When she finds her home has been destroyed by the organisation Onigami and Doryu, and her friends kidnapped, she finds Haru and the gang ready to help her. She's very kind and doting, and gets a crush on Haru after he saves her (much to Elie's displeasure) She posesses a magic inherent to all mermaids, which allows her to control the flow and density of water. She can also allow people to breath underwater, and can change her tail into legs in order to walk on land.

Hilde: Hilde is one of the mages of Mildean, the city where Sieg Hart hails from. Having watched Sieg for years, she has developed a crush on him, and despite being told not to by her elders, decides to help him when he battles Haja.
Niebel: A young mage in Mildean. Although he's young, Niebel is very skilled in magic, and is the only one who goes to help Sieg in his battle, convincing Hilde to follow him

Yuuma Ansect: This huge, imposing man is the leader of a large group of mercenaries named the Liberation Army who have dedicated themselves to fighting Demon Card, and their allies the Blue Guardians. In particular, he has some unfinished business with Hardner, his former friend and leader of the Blue Guardians.
Yuuma is constantly gruff and expects nothing but the best from his soldiers, regularly slapping people when they annoy him. His weapon is a large axe with a built in shotgun.
Nagisa: Nagisa is Yuuma's daughter, a tough tomboy determined to be as tough as the rest of the group. She met the gang when she was sent to assassinate Iulius, but was captured by the Blue Guardians. Musica rescues her, and she joins the others to help with her sharpshooting skills. She seems to be attracted to Musica..

Belnika: Haru meets Belnika while the gang are preparing to battle Hardner. She seems a kind girl, who heals an injury on Haru's arm. But when the gang invate Hardner's base, he finds Belnika inside, seemingly working for the BG.. Belnika reveals that she was experimented on by the BG to give her magic powers, but they were unable to give her Aetherion, but the ability to control the magic from other sources. Hardner kept her to use in his plan to merge with the Endless, telling her she would be helping the world. After discovering his true intentions, she sides with Haru and Co.
Belnika is an extremely sweet, caring woman, who seems to remain calm in any situation, and is always ready to help out. She's certainly not weak though, as her magic lets her hold her own in a fight. She seems quite close to Haru in the fight against Hardner- could a love triangle between her, Haru and Elie be brewing?

Lazenby: This four-armed fighter (the lower two are robotic) is a would-be superhero who is hired by Deep Snow to take out Haru.He fails spectacularly when Shuda takes him out, but Haru decides to spare him. Realising his mistake, he decides to offer his help in the quest. |
Lucia: Lucia Leagrove is the ruler of Demon Card, who ascended to the throne after his father, King's death. He was believed to have been killed, but instead had spent most of his life locked up in a prison, where his hatred summoned the Ultimate Dark Bring Sinclair. With Sinclair's power, he broke free, and is now determined have his country of Leagrove rule the world, and kill Haru, who is heir to the land of Symphonia.
Lucia holds the Dark Bring sword Decalogs, which can transform into the same forms as Haru's Ten Commandments sword.
King: King was the former ruler of Demon Card, before Haru and Gale defeated him. He was once close friends with Gale, and the two started Demon Card as a peacekeeping force. After Gale left, King started using the group to his own ends, eventually falling to the power of Dark Bring. When he was arrested, his family was killed, and he vowed revenge against Gale, whom he believed to be the heir to the land of Symphonia, as he was the heir to Leagrove.
After his defeat, he decided to kill himself, to end the feud between him and Gale, who still considered him a friend.
Berial:An Oracion Sei, Berlial is a powerful demon, who loves nothing more than to destroy and terrorise. He has a Dark Bring which grants him total control of the earth under his feet.
Iulius: Also known as Julius in some circles, Iulius is an extremely vain, rather camp Oracion Sei, who is obsessed with beauty, beautiful people, especially people like Sieg Hart, and his face. He can get extremely enraged if offended, and is not afraid to unleash his fury. His Dark Bring allows him to create ice, and he also wields an ice sword.
Remarkably, after suspecting Demon Card is no longer pleased with him, and upset when the Blue Guardians ruin a dance contest he was hoping to win (he lost to Elie), Iulius decides to turn a new leaf, and joins Haru and Co.
Jegan: A man of the Dragon Race, Jegan was once an ally of Let, but became obsessed with Julia. During a battle on Let's hometown, it was believed he had killed Julia. Instead, he had taken her away, where in a ceremony to restore her humanity, she instead became a full dragon. Jegan took control of her, and became determined to keep Let away from her..
Haja: The most powerful of the Oracion Sei, Haja is a mage so powerful, he doesn't need a Dark Bring. He comes from Mildean, where Sieg Hart also learnt magic, and returns there to take the town's magic power. |
Reina: Once an Orashion Sei, Reina was a glamourous, yet cruel women, equipped with a Dark Bring which allowed her to turn air into silver. She was also a Silver Claimer, with skills similar to Musica. Her reason for joining Demon Card was to avenge her father, who had been executed for apparently stealing the Silver Ray, the battleship created by him and Musica's guardian Rize. Reina held a grudge against Musica, almost killing him for not disclosing information about Silver Ray.
The two met again during the fight against Doryu and his oni, and discovered that Doryu's sidekick Ogre had stolen the Silver Ray. Ogre activated the ship, but by working together, Musica and Reina defeated him. Reina sacrificed herself to destroy Silver Ray before it took out the continent, wishing to be with her father again.
Deep Snow: Once believed to be a leader of the Empire, the world's ruling body, Deep Snow revealed himself to be a double agent for Demon Card, destroying the Empire base before returning to replace Shuda in the Oracion Seis. His Dark Bring Zero Stream allows him to control any liquid, including blood.
Deep Snow was cared for by King in his infancy, and came to know him as a father figure. King eventually decided to let Snow leave and decide his own fate, but Snow decided to take out the Empire from the inside, in order to win King's approval.
Lance: A general in the Demon Card army, and the first major enemy Haru faces. A cold-blooded lunatic, Lance loves cutting people with his sword, crafted by Galen Musica. Famously, he slayed the entire Musica family (except for Hamlio) |
Doryu: The leader of a terrorist faction rival to Demon Card, Doryu is a dark demon magician and necromancer, who uses black magic and his Sinclair piece to create creatures such as zombies for his army, and revive dead criminals. He hates light, and so is trying to enshroud the world in darkness, and destroy Haru. He's the main enemy the gang face after leaving Symphonia.
Doryu was not always evil. In his younger days, he left the world of Demons to live with humans, and dreamed of a world where humans and half-humans like him could live in peace. He created a small town where the two races lived together for a while, but eventually, racial tensions caused the half-humans to leave, save Doryu, who was still commited to his dream. The townsfolk locked him in a dark dungeon for a hundred days, where he fully gave in to his inner hatred, causing a piece of Sinclair to come to him..
Ogre: The leader of Onigami, a band of demons who team up with Doryu to oppose Demon Card. A powerful brute, not only does he possess a piece of Sinclair, but he is also a Gold Claimer, making him nearly unstoppable.
Ogre's passions include destruction, power and women, and he creates a magically powered cannon to take out Minami. After the cannon fails, Ogre activates his secret weapon: The Silver Ray, the battleship he stole from Reina's father. Before he can use it, he is blasted by Musica and Reina.

Blanche: This creep was once Cattleya's boyfriend, but after cheating on her, Haru got some payback, prompting him to leave Garage Island. The gang meet him again in Ribeyla, where he enters the dancing contest.
After losing, Blanche decides to get payback on Haru by kidnapping Elie for the Blue Guardians. But he grabs Nagisa instead, and is forced to torture her. After Musica finds him and nearly kills him, he is stuck inside a robotic suit armed with explosives, and sent to battle Haru and destory the Liberation Army. Realising his mistakes, he delays the explosion long enough for the army to escape, before blowing up..

Hardner: The leader of the Blue Guardians, a group of warriors who travel the world in giant flying fortresses, under the employ of Demon Card. Power mad and utterly ruthless, Hardner shows no mercy toward opponents, and takes a sick pleasure in torturing people. He holds a piece of Sinclair, which makes him nearly invincible, and is plotting to achieve take the power of the Endless within himself..
After he is defeated, Hardner reveals that he, his wife and Yuuma founded the Blue Guardians, before an accident broke them apart and killed his wife. Since then, he was determined to bring her back to life, his obsession with becoming powerful enough to do so turning him to evil. Before he gets a chance to turn himself around, Lucia kills him and takes his Sinclair.

Renard: Hardner's second in command. A silent woman who wields a gigantic axe in battle. Her Dark Bring lets her move in a blur of light. |

Giraffe: One of the Blue Guardian's strongest warriors, the Sixth Guard. This cocky fighter likes to battle using martial arts, and a Dark Bring which can control gravity.
Leopard: This catlike girl looks cute, but is a fearsome fighter, using her lightning reflexes and a Dark Bring which absorbs any magic attacks for her to use. Rumour has it she and Giraffe are a couple..

Requin: The leader of the Sixth Guard. A merciless warrior, whose Dark Bring allows him to turn into boiling liquid. He almost manages to kill Julia, until she pulls him off a long drop without his Dark Bring...
Koala: Despite looking cuddly, Koala is as nasty as the rest of his allies. His Dark Bring lets him control metal, allowing him to make war machines and robots from mere scrap.

Tien: This wideboy of the Sixth Guard isn't the smartest, but with brute strength, a Dark Bring which puts people to sleep, and the ability to fight while asleep himself, who's going to pick a fight?
Lievre: Despite his rabbit ears, this wrestler is a fearsome opponent, his Dark Bring allowing him to blow massive gusts of wind.
Shakuma: The most powerful mage on the planet, and rumoured to be Lucia's grandfather, this evil magician is recruited by Lucia to destroy Elie. He is also the one who killed King Marakia in the past. He possesses unearthly magical power, but it's still no match for Aetherion... |
Uta the Eternal: One of the Four Demon Gods, powerful beings who are recruited by Lucia to defend him while he readies the second Overdrive. Uta possesses inhuman strength, and is capable of fighting with a hundred-foot long sword. |
Asura: One of the Four Demon Gods. His small stature is just to hide his true from, a huge demon with virtually every Dark Bring ever created embedded in his body.
Megido: One of the Four Demon Gods. A huge humanoid lion, who breathes powerful flames. Megido is the first to join Lucia's side, hoping he can rule the world alongside him. |
Jiero: One of the Four Demon Gods. A sullen woman who can control ice. She was frozen in a block of ice, but when she felt the presence of Sinclair, she broke free and completly froze Punk Street.. |
Cattleya Glory: Cattleya is Haru's sister, who looked after him after the death of their mother. Cattleya cares for just about everyone, and has dispenced advice for Haru since he was young. She was scared to let Haru go, afraid she would lose him like their father, but realised that Haru has a destiny to achieve. Still, she has companionship with Shiba and Nakajima, the strange creature that lives on their house. She also seems to hold a flame for Shuda, who she met recently...

Shiba: Shiba is the Original Rave Master, and the one who hands Rave to Haru after he helped him. Fifty years ago, Shiba was a rebel soldier for the army of Symphonia, and cared only for himself. He then met Resha Valentine, and felt sorry when he heard of how she was being used to create magic items with her Etherion Powers. He offered to help her escape, but she wanted to help her country. Before her death, she created Holy Bring, and gave it to Shiba. Shiba vowed to carry out her wishes and help the world, and renamed the stone Rave (ReshA ValentinE) in her memory.
Nakajima: A talking sunflower.... thing, one of a race of creatures from Acapella Island. This erractic guy lives on the wall of Haru and Cattleya's house, and either dispenses advice, or just annoys people. He also appears in the Rave omake comic, babysitting a boy named Levin.. |

Knights of the Blue Sky: These four knights were once the strongest warriors in Symphonia, and fought Dark Bring in the Kingdom War against Leagrove along side Shiba. All four lost their lives, but when Rave was broken into five pieces, their spirits were restored into animals. They each guarded their piece of Rave, waiting for the Rave Master to return.
Clea Maltease guarded the Rave of Combat. Deerhound guarded the Rave of Knowledge. Dalmation guarded the Rave of Destiny (and taught Ruby his magic) and Alpine Spaniel, who unknown to everyone, is still alive, guards the Rave of Truth....
Resha Valentine: A young girl, born at the turn of the millenium. Resha was born with the mystical magic Atherion within her, and was hailed by Symphonia for having the power to defeat Dark Bring. Using her power, she was able to create the five pieces of Rave, but at the cost of her life. There is some connection between her and Elie... |
King Marakia: The King of Symphonia, and Haru's grandfather. A fair and just ruler, dedicated to preserving peace. In the year 0015, Marakia learned from Saga Pendragon about the upcoming Overdrive, and how the Endless was created. To prevent the world from being destroyed, Marakia put together a desperate plan. He changed his identity, gave his son to be taken care of by Ebamari, and made sure to hide Resha so that she would be able to stop the Endless in the future... |
Ebamari: A servant of the King, Ebamari was given the task of looking after the King's son, Gale. He took him to the Star Vestige, a place linked to the Stellar Memory, and taught Gale everything about Rave and Sinclair, so Gale could help to prevent another Overdrive. A wise old fellow, Ebamari has learned a lot by living in the Star Vestige, and still guards it to this day. |
Saga Pendragon : A soothsayer who predicted many of the events of the Kingdom Wars. He foresaw the coming of the Overdrive and the Endless, and together with King Marakia, devised a plan to ensure that the Overdrive would never happen again... a plan involving hiding Resha.. |
Jeid : One of the Four Generals of the Empire, and brother of Jegan. When Deep Snow betrays the Empire, Jeid is the only general left standing, and takes it on himself to find the Rave Master and enlist his help... |
Go: Go is an extremely pumped up director, who works in Demon Card so he can create his great movies. For his current film, he uses a rain making machine to cast rain over a village, as he thinks his actor girlfriend Rosa looks good against rain. When Haru sees the damage the rain has caused to the village, he takes Go on. Despite Go's strength, and his Dark Bring weapon Angry Blitz, he gets beaten by Haru, and Rosa, who has a change of heart after Elie saves her life, makes him turn the rain off. When Go sees the destuction he's caused, he decides to help rebuild the villiage.
Rosa: A pushy actress, Rosa fights against Elie when Go is knocked out by Haru, using a magic cassette tape, which plays music causing all males in the area to uncontrollably dance, and a chain-whip sword. Elie manages to save her from a scarred face, and she agrees to stop the rain.
Melodia: Melodia is an old girlfriend of Musica's, whom he meets when the gang prepare to leave Song Continent. Musica left her many years ago when he set out on his quest, but Melodia may still have feelings for him... |
Ketsupuri Gang: Rave is full of malicious villians... and then there is the Ketsupuri Gang, three idiots in skin tight jumpsuits who are very proud of their prominent rears. The leader, Wonderful Gocch, and his cohorts Kaerin Bhorg and Marco Belenge, are determined to prove themselves as top class robbers, but they seem to bungle their plans every time. They aren't really evil (they even strike up a friendship with Haru) they just want to be seen as cool. |
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[=!! lEAvE mEssAgE hErE !!=] |
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clIck If y0u wAnt t0 rEAd mAngA..
[=!! pArtnEr !!=] |
clIck If y0u wAnt t0 visiT mY pArtnEr wEbsItE