  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  => [=!! Ab0Ut EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  => [=!! dEim0n dEvil bAt !!=]
  => [=!! 0j0U whitE knight !!=]
  => [=!! E21 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! dEim0n dEvil bAt !!=]

Deimon Devil Bats

Team name= Deimon Devil Bats

This name create by Hiruma.At first there were just three of the original members during High School. Hiruma, Musashi and Kurita. But then, Musashi left the team after finishing his 1st year as his father was sick, making an excuse that the team is weak and became a laborer. Now with the new members in their team, they change their bad luck to good luck.

Kobayakawa Sena @ Eyeshield 21

He is the main speedy character in this manga. When he's in primary school, he's always had been bullies to take their 'friends' bag and always been protected by Mamori, her neighboring sister. Now as a high school student in his first year, he was forced to play in the American Football by Hiruma after he show him unexpectedly very fast runner cause at that time he been bullied by huh-hah brothers. Nevertheless, as he goes into many matches, it changes his life as a hero and not to be a coward.

Sena info:-

1. 40-yard-dash record: 4.2 seconds(very fast speed), 5.0seconds(normal speed)
2. Position: Running Backs
3. Jersy: 21 with a eyeshield helmet
4. 1st Year Student
5. Works as a secretary as his fake job. This is the first job that he was offered before joining the club.
6. Eyeshield 21 was named by Hiruma so no one will know his identity as everyone will forced him to join their club.


Yoichi Hiruma

He is the mastermind of the Deimon Devil Bats team. A cruel but hilarious genius with pointy ears and sharp teeth who looks and acts like a devil. Always carrying some kind of firearm, (including, but not limited to: flamethrowers, submachine guns, bazookas) Hiruma is the first person to recognize Sena's talent for running.
He lies, cheats, bullies and manipulates people to do his bidding. His most deadly weapon is probably his Blackmail Journal, a small black notebook filled with dark secrets about everyone that allows him to force just about anyone into doing what he demands of them. The only person who isn't too scared to confront him directly is Mamori.
Although portrayed as a cruel slave-driver, his passion for football (and winning) is unrivaled, and knows how to goad, tempt, bribe, force and inspire the team to victory. Although he always seem to be demonically energetic, he has a vulnerable side as well, which only Mamori and the team's coach is able to recognize.

Hiruma Info:-
1. 40-yard-dash record: 5.1 seconds
2. Position: Quarterback
3. Jersey : 1 (Obviously)
4. 2nd Year High School Student (That makes him a Junior in American High Schools)
5. Smart, gets good grades in school, has an impossibly messy room and is also extremely wealthy (uses his funds to build underground weapon storages. This was mention in chapter 101).
6. At first the football club house was actually a store room, but later Hiruma "forcefully convinces" the principal to turn it into a bigger clubhouse that includes a casino.

Ryokan Kurita

The biggest player in the team. He lives with his father in a monastary and because of the huge amount of sushi when he was young, he became so big that no even a weak defender can defeat this player. A very kind person and also Sena's second friend after entering High School. Also a coward and always helps Hiruma do his dirty job, but in the game, it's a different story.
• Kurita Infos:
1. 40-yard-dash: 6.5 seconds (very slow)
2. Position: Lineman
3. Jersy: 77
4. 2nd Year Student
5. Together, he, Komusubi, and the Huh-Hah Brothers became the great Five linemen in Deimon Devil Bats Team.
6. Hiruma mention that Kurita's an ex-student of Shinryuji

Mamori Anezaki

When her mother met Sena's mother in her cooking class, both of them get along and that's when Mamori and Sena became childhood friends. Her mother's a half-Japanese half-American which make Mamori 25% American 75% Japanese. She always helps Sena along the way yet this makes Sena too over-protected. She's very concern of Sena and worries about his condition. She first intend to ask Sena to stop joining the club, but Sena refuses to as it'll make him more braver. So after a bit of tall-tales from Hiruma, she joins in the club. Some readers might assume she has a crush on Sena.
• Mamori's Info:
1. Position: Club Secretary
2. 2nd Year Student
3. The only person who doesn't know Eyeshield 21 is actually Sena.
4. Her worst subject is Art.

Raimon Taro@ Monta

First appearence after the Spring Kanto Match. He once joins Deimon's baseball club as he's inspired of Shuei Eagle player, Masaru Honji, the greatest catcher. At first he reject Sena's offer of joining the club but Hiruma manage to make him join after his lie about Mamori. After finding out Eyeshield 21's identity, he realize that he have no regrets of joining the team.
• Monta Info:
1. 40-yard-dash: 5.0 seconds
2. Position: Wide Receiver
3. Jersey: 80
4. He was named Monta after Sena mistook his name as Montar? Rai. He began to like his name after Hiruma recalls of Joe Montana. What Monta doesn't know that Joe's a quarterback not a wide receiver.
5. Monta has a crush on Mamori and always tries to win her heart but didn't work too well as she's more concern in Sena instead.
6. Hiruma uses Mamori to make Monta joins in by telling lies that she's joins the club because of Eyeshield 21 and Eyeshield intend to dumped her. What a great guy Hiruma is, don't you think?
7. Knows Eyeshield 21's secret three chapters after Hirma tells the lie.
8. He only can catch a straight pass but not a curved pass.
9. He's a Sakuraba fan but decides to forget it as Sakuraba calls himself a total loser.
10. Hiruma was the most happiest person when Monta joins the club as he and Kurita rely on a dummy named Jerry Ricean as his target practise. Sadly Jerry Ricean was destroyed after they don't need 'him'.
11. Hiruma related him as a monkey and said that Monta suits his name (Take out the 'ta' and replace with a 'key' will get Monkey). Monta always gets insulted by the word 'monkey' or 'chimp'

The Huh-Hah Brothers

They're not exactly brothers but they are the three gangsters who are Shozo Togano (TS) who wears glasses and always carries a comic book everytime, Koji Kuroki (KK), a biker rider, and Kazuki Jumonji (JK), the leader of the gang with a scar on his right cheek. They first appear to pick on Sena and order Sena to buy stuffs or carry their bags. Sena was saved by Hiruma after seeing Sena's speed talent and takes a picture of them naked. So during the Zokuto Chameleon match, they were finding the negative flim of the pictures when Kurita assume they were intend to join the club as linmen. Somehow, because of Komusubi's apperence, they were trying to competite with him and pass Hiruma's exam. They decides to quit the team but because of getting beat up by the huge players from Taiyo Sphinx, they decides to forget their main plan and become the great linemen.
• Character Infos:
1. 40-yard-dash: Unknown
2. Position: Lineman
3. Jersy: TS:51, JK:52, KK:53
4. The name 'Huh-Hah Brothers' were named by Hiruma as TS, JS and JK will say "Huh?", "Huh?!" "Hah?!!"
5. Juumonji is actually a newbie who was told by his father to quit the gang as he doesn't want him to turn into a gangsters. He was even more shocked to see TS and KK on the worst lineman list who didn't contribute anything after reading the magazine about the match between Taiyo Sphinx. So he and the other two members decides to work more harder.

Manabu Yukimitsu

Appears after watching the Zokuto match. He's a bookworm with a big forehead like Yai from Megaman NT Warrior. His parents wants him to become an intellegent person so they make him study from day till night. He misses many festivals and games and he regret it. So now he joins the club to fulfill his dreams to be a winner than a nobody. He actually failed Hiruma's entry exam but since he was well determine, Hiruma takes pity of him and lets him join the club. He's now an offence player but his position is still unknown as he's sitting bench waiting for a chance to play with them.
• Character Infos:
1. 40-yard-dash: 5.7 seconds
2. Position: Unknown (Bench Player)
3. Jersy: 16
4. 2nd year student
5. The most intelligent player in the team. Always finds excuses so that his mother doesn't find out that he joins a club.
6. He even tries to jog till morning but failed as he nearly fainted and was discovered by Kurita and Komusubi at 2a.m.
7. After returning from Japan, he was shocked to hear that he's still in the bench player as he collapsed during Death March so he decides to train more harder to play with everyone in the match.


Daikichi Komusubi

Same appearence as Yukimistu. He was impress of Kurita's strengh and he was taken as a lineman and an apprentice to be as powerful as him. He manage to prove himself in the match between Taiyo Sphinx and undergoes more training. Hiruma was impress at first sight as he's suitable as a lineman. But sometimes he had mas some wrong assumptions.
• Character Infos:
1. 40-yard-dash: 6.4 seconds.
2. Positon: Lineman
3. Jersy:55
4. 1st year student
5. Some of the events are the cause of the bad relationship with the Huh-Hah Brothers.
6. He always pictures of weakess and strongest and inspire Kurita.
7. Does training with Kurita by staying at his house and then practise at 2a.m. yet this parents doesn't mind.


First appeared during the Beach football in America. He's a coach to Hiruma, Musashi and Kurita. But he rean away as he owe loan sharks 2 million yen during gambling. He intend to look for tatented people in America but goes into Beach football and trained Too Tattoos, which turns them more better as players. Now after the team manage to paid his debts, he became Deimon Devil Bat's manager.
• Character Infos:
1. Position: Manager
2. He looks like a kung-fu master yet he's drinks alcholic drinks from his gourd.
3. He never washed his clothes and wears the same clothes for three years.
4. He's a friend of Ojyo's manager. He doesn't want to train the team Death March as this is the reason that cause his carrer when he spain his right leg. A scar was shown on the right ankle to prove it. But they go for it.


Suzuna Taki

Taki is a cute brunette wearing rollerblades everytime. She came to America and hitch a ride in on of the biker. Sena first met her after Sena mistaken her for Mamori after the same biker's mention about a 'Japanese Girl','Football Player' and 'Japan' as a lack of his English translation (Whom was refered to his brother, Natsuhiko) and the bikers assume they're boyfreind and girldfriend. She has good stability in her rollerblades and later join the club after Natsuhiko accept Sena's offer. Returning to America, she joins Deimon High School and join the club as the head cheerleader. Now the club has a second female member in the group.
• Character Infos:
1. Position: Head Cheerleader
2. 1st year student
3. The first time Sena and Monta sees her cheerleader outfit, they were shocked as they've seen a ghost.
4. She even made a special cheerleading outfit for Mamori and Monta was so happy to see it.
5. In the 100 chapter (4 column panel, which was an omake), we've seen Monta like both Suzuna and Mamori.

Natsuhiko Taki

A man with a high attitude. Sena first met him when he was ended up in the San Antonio stadium. He has a habit of opening his jacket and making weird poses like raising up his leg 180%. He couldn't play American Football in Japan as he wasn't qualified. So he went to America to take the applications for the San Antonio Team but taking all the savings in his house to get to America. Yet he failed. So Sena applies him to join them back in Japan as a Tight End player (a combination of lineman and receiver but still an offense player). He manages to get qualified in the Deimon Devil Bats thanks to the club members. Although he's a fool and trying to be a ladies-man, yet he's a useful player in the club.
• Character Infos:
1. 40-yard-dash: 5.1 seconds
2. Position: Tight End
3. Jersey: 37
4. 1st year student
5. He has a rivalry towards Monta as he's the first person whom critisize him of a monkey after assuming the book called Son Son (with a mokey picture) was Monta's during Junior High.
6. He makes Sena late for the game as he was an idiot in directions. But thanks to Hiruma and the Zokuto Chameleons, they manage to make Sena arrived as fast as possible. But then, he gets lost by taking the wrong train.
7. Hiruma was about to threat the examiner to make Natsuhiko pass the test but the examiner conclude that he pass the exam to enter Deimon High School.
8. In the second match, he makes a cool appearence and gets beaten up by Suzuna.

Musashi Takekura@The 60-yard Magnum

The place kicker for the Devil Bats and one of the original three members of the team, along with Hiruma and Kurita. He is often mistaken for an older person, since he initially has a bit of stubble and has a buzz-cut. When he finally joins the team, he grows out his hair and shaves. He leaves the team during the spring season of his freshman year, due to the fact that his father had become seriously ill. As a result, he was forced to drop out of school and take over as the construction foreman of Deimon High. Though he desperately wants to get back into playing, he refused to rejoin the Devil Bats. However, after meeting with Sena and Monta and seeing how determined they are to get him back on the team, he agrees, but only if they become a strong team. In the manga, he makes his comeback during the game against Seibu, when his father hit him for abandoning his team. In the anime, he does not rejoin the team until the game with the Bando Spiders.
• Onside Kick - Basically, Musashi kicks the ball at an angle and a shorter distance than usual in order for his teammates to try to regain possession of the ball.
Musashi info:-
1. 40-yard-dash: unknown
2. Bench Press: unknown
3. Position: Kicker/Linebacker
4. Jersey: 11
5. Height: 177 cm
6. Weight: 77 kg
7. Blood Type: A
8. Birthday: April 2 (17 years old)
9. Graduated From: Maou 13th Middle School
10. 2nd year student
11. The kanji in Musashi's last name, Takekura, can also be read as Musashi, thus his nickname. The name is derived from Miyamoto Musashi, a famous samurai, who was famous for his skills with two swords, which relates to the fact that Musashi must put up two kicks for every successful possession (extra point kick or field goal and the kick off). Gen's rivalry with the Bando Spiders kicker Kotaro Sasaki is also a play on Miyamoto's rivalry with the legendary swordsman Sasaki Kojiro.
12. In the manga, Musashi has a habit on picking his ear whenever he's not serious or as a comedy gag

Tetsuo Ishimaru

Ishimaru is the Devil Bats' second running back. Ishimaru was recruited from the track team by Sena who took over half of his paper route for him. He played in the Koigahama match, but was injured due to Sena being unable to discern between the types of cleats. Ishimaru continued to play for the Devil Bats, even though no one notices his presence in the team. However, his obscurity plays to his advantage when playing since no one notices when he is handed the ball. Many teams curse to themselves in front of him after the play, usually saying that, "he has no presence," or that, "We didn't notice him". He's the track and field captain, which is why Hiruma usually refers to him as "Track Star".

One interesting thing to note is that Ishimaru has an American look-a-like named Jimmy Simard. Sena mistakes Jimmy for Ishimaru during the tryout with the San Antonio Armadillos. Jimmy actually made the cut for the pros, despite some bullies' cheating and foul tactics, thanks to Eyeshield 21's help.

Ishimaru’s importance came in to play during the game of Deimon Devil Bats against Kyojin Poseidon. In order to overcome their opponent’s height and extreme long reach, he was included as one of the runners for one of Hiruma’s trickiest strategies: Wish Bone.

In the anime, Ishimaru learned of Eyeshield 21's identity when his track team was in trouble for the finals at the Relay Races. Ishimaru was planning on leaving the football club, but thanks to Sena volunteering to be the third man in the race, Deimon's Track Team won. Seeing Sena run without his helmet confirmed his identity as Eyesheild 21 and in gratitude, Ishimaru decided to stay with the Devil Bats until the end of the Tournament.


* Insubstantial: Due to Ishimaru's lack of "presence" he can often make long runs or catch passes out of the backfield without the opposing team noticing til it's too late.

* Character Info:

1. 40 yard dash: 4.9 seconds
2. Position: Fullback / Cornerback
3. Jersey: 30
4. Height: 168 cm
5. Weight: 59 kg
6. Blood Type: A
7. Birthday: May 26
8. Graduated From: Jimichuu Middle School (Probably a double pun, as "jimi" means "plain" - as well as being a play on the fancy shoe label Jimmy Choo.)
9. 2nd Year Student (Grade 11)


Like Hiruma, it's very aggressive and likes to eat sweet things or meaty stuffs. Goes into berzerk mode if it smells food and wants to eat it or if something insulted it. Hiruma even brings it to American pose as a doll. Named after Hades' hound.


-Satake & Yamaoka
These two are from the basketball club. Hiruma manage to threaten them and still been threaten in all the matches. Jersy: 45 & 13. Offense players.
-Futoshi Omosadake
Omosadake is a chubby person who keeps his eyes shut all the time.He was dragged onto the field by Hiruma in the match against Amino Cyborgs as a support player, though he claims he can only play for 30 minutes max. Jersy: 54. Defense Player
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