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General and Technical Data
Model number: ZGMF-X56S
Code name: Impulse Gundam
Unit type: prototype multi-mode mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty)
First deployment: 2 October C.E. 73
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso using YFX-M56 Core Splendor
Dimensions: overall height 17.76 meters
Weight: max gross weight 63.54 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system, allows for remote recharging of energy with battleship Minerva; hardpoints for mounting Silhouette packs
Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x M71-AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, stored in hip armor, hand-carried in use; MMI-RG59V mobile shield, mounted on left arm
Optional fixed armaments: see ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam,
ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam, ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam; ZGMF-X56S/ε Abyss Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/δ Chaos Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/ζ Gaia Impulse; ZGMF-X56S/θ Destiny Impulse
Optional hand armaments: MA-BAR72 high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown
Technical and Historical Notes
In the postwar era, ZAFT unveils its "Second Stage" of advanced new Gundam mobile suits. One of these units is the ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam, which is ZAFT's equivalent of the Earth Alliance's famous GAT-X105 Strike Gundam. Like the Strike Gundam, the Impulse Gundam can adapt to various mission roles through the use of several Silhouette packs. However, the Impulse Gundam differs from the Strike Gundam in that its construction is modular. The central piece of the Impulse's body is the YFX-M56 Core Splendor fighter, which transforms and serves as the mobile suit's cockpit. The Core Splendor can dock with the Chest Flyer and Leg Flyer via laser lock to form the complete mobile suit. This new modular design is first tested in the ZGMF-X101S ZAKU Splendor. In the event of damage, the Chest or Leg Flyer can be ejected and replaced. A laser lock is also used to dock the Impulse Gundam with its three Silhouette packs. The Impulse Gundam features Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor, which changes color depending on which Silhouette pack is in use. Because the Junius Treaty bans the use of N-Jammer Cancelers in mobile suits, ZAFT develops the deuterion beam energy supply system to recharge a mobile suit's battery. When the Impulse Gundam's energy runs low, it can receive the incoming energy beam from its mothership Minerva and completely recharge its battery. This new system allows longer combat time. In its basic configuration, the Impulse Gundam's armaments include two vulcan guns, two folding combat knives and a beam rifle.
After extensive testing at the Armory One PLANT, the Impulse Gundam is assigned to "ZAFT red" elite pilot Shinn Asuka and makes it combat debut on October 2, C.E. 73 when three Alliance pilots infiltrate Armory One and steal three new prototype Gundam units. Following their escape, the battleship Minerva begins an immediate pursuit of the mysterious battleship Girty Lue, which is interrupted when a group of extremist Coordinators attempt to drop the remains of Junius Seven on Earth. The "Break the World" incident triggers a new war between the Alliance and ZAFT. In this new conflict, Shinn's Impulse Gundam plays a critical role in battles at the Orb Union and in the Middle East on the front lines against the Alliance. After the completion of Operation Angel Down, Shinn is reassigned to the ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam by PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal. The Impulse Gundam is given to Lunamaria Hawke, and she first makes use of it in Operation Ragnarok, a ZAFT offensive against the Alliance's Heavens Base headquarters in Iceland. The Impulse Gundam serves as Lunamaria's mobile suit until the end of the war, until it is damaged in C.E. 74 in a fight with Athrun Zala's ZGMF-X19A ∞ Justice Gundam. Soon after, the death of PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal and the destruction of the space fortress Messiah mark the end of the war.
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot(s): Shinn Asuka, Lunamaria Hawke
Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara