[=!! kAmiyA kA0rU !!=] |
As I mentioned in Kenshin's character page, Kaoru is the girl Kenshin meets the night he wanders into Tokyo. At the time, there was a man going around killing people, calling himself the "Hitokiri Batthow-Sai" and saying that he had graduated from her father's technique, the Kamiya Katsushin Ryu. Because of this, all her students quit. Kaoru was looking for the killer when she saw Kenshin. The new government had banned anyone other than the police to carry swords. Kaoru, seeing that Kenshin had a sword on him, attacked him. |
She was right about him being the "Battou-Sai", but he was not the killer she was looking for. He convinces her that he wasn't the Battou-Sai. She then runs off when she hears the police yell that they found the killer. |
Kenshin ends up rescuing Kaoru after she attacks the real Battou-sai(real in the sense that he is the killer she wants) and finds that her wooden sword is no match for his steel sword. |
Later, the killer attacks her at home and Kenshin comes to her rescue. During his fight with the fake, it is revealed that Kenshin is the real Battou-sai. |
After the killer is found and beaten, and Kenshin starts to leave:
"Idiot! are you blind?! How am I supposed to rebuild the dojo alone? Why don't you help me?"
After a very cute interval (which I'll save to write in the anime summaries later) Kenshin accepts saying that he is tired of travels. Now that doesn't seem like a good reason (admit it Kenshin, you knew that this would be the girl of your dreams…) but whatever his reasons were, he stayed with her.
AGE: 17 (11 years younger than Kenshin but who says that age matter?)
HEIGHT: 155 centimeters
WEIGHT: 42 Kilo's
FEATURES: Long, black hair, almost always in a ponytail, blue eyes.
CHARACTER: Kaoru has a very distinct personality. She has a bad temper and beats up Kenshin rather frequently. But, she is also very caring and she would help anyone that needs help, friend or foe.
Kaoru's dojo teaches a form of fighting that her father created called Kamiya-Katsushin Ryu. This form focus's on protecting people without killing. Kaoru is a master of this form. There is very little known about Kaoru's life before Kenshin moved in with her. The anime suggests that her father died when she was very young and there is no information on her mother.
I am crazy about Kaoru. She is my favorite female character. She's warm, considerate and she fights for what she believes in. She is very courageous and brave. I think her best quality is that she doesn't judge people by their past history. I think that this is one of the main reasons why Kenshin is attached to her. The fact that she doesn't care who he was, only who he is. She gave him a chance to start over. Now if only those two admit that they are crazy about each other. It's obvious to everyone except themselves. Kenshin has no idea how much Kaoru cares for him and she has no idea how much he cares for her. AHHHHHHH!!!!! When will it end? ahem…anyway, that’s a summary about her relationship with Kenshin. At least at the beginning of the series. Back to Kaoru, I think that she hides a lot of sadness inside her; Kenshin understands this. She's been alone for a long time after her parents died. One tends to think that she was especially attached to her father. Her lonliness before explains why she lives in constant fear that her new family, Kenshin in particular, will leave her. |
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clIck If y0u wAnt t0 rEAd mAngA..
[=!! pArtnEr !!=] |
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