  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
  => [=!! kEkkAI gEnkAI gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! clAn gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! bUsinEssEs !!=]
  => [=!! 0rgAnizAti0ns !!=]
  => [=!! sUmm0nings !!=]
  => [=!! spirits And EntitiEs !!=]
  => [=!! AnimAl fAmiliArs !!=]
  => [=!! sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! chAkrA gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! tEchniqUE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! hAnd sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! fUUinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! gEnjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU A-B !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU C !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU D-E !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU F-G !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU H !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu I-J !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU K-KAK !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KAM-KE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KI-KO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KU-L !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU N-P !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU Q-R !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU S-SE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SHA-SHO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu SHU-SOU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU T !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU U-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU A-I !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU K-O !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU P-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU stylE !!=]
  => [=!! d0UjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! kinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! 0thEr skills !!=]
  => [=!! chAngEs in nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
  => [=!! bing0 b00k !!=]
  => [=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! symbol gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! pUppEts gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! rAnk gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! kAgE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! misi0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cl0thing !!=]
  => [=!! t00ls And EqUipmEnt !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cUst0m wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! AccEss0riEs gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! nArUt0 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
The Akatsuki Organization
     The Akatsuki kanji means daybreak, breaking down the word itself gives us "aka" meaning red (a common color in the group) and "tsuki" meaning moon. This Organization is a collection of S-Ranked criminals. Many of these are missing-nins who fled their villages after causing death and destruction. With the departure of Orochimaru, the deaths of Sasori, Kakuzu, Deidara and the neutralization of Hidan, there are 6 active Akatsuki members. The group replaced Sasori with "raw" recruit Tobi, who was eager to do his part. Most members wear a forehead protector from their hidden village with a scratch through it, and all seem to wear a ring identifying their position in the organization and a black cloak with red clouds. When the organization members leave to travel the country they will work in groups of two collecting knowledge of new skills and jutsu.

     Their ultimate goal is to control the world; this will be accomplished through three steps. Step One is for the group to attain money. Step Two is to create the first mercenary group. Shinobi villages make money for their country, and for the money to be steady it requires war. Because there have not been any large scale wars in approximately the last decade, the ninja villages were being reduced in size. The Five Great Shinobi Villages could handle the downtrend, but the smaller villages could not. Akatsuki will form their own fighting force with no country allegiance. With this force they will undercut all the other villages and fight their battles for cheap. Then using the bijuu they can create new battles and new wars and gain a monopoly over the whole market. In the end they plan to control all the wars and be powerful enough to even collapse the shinobi villages of the large countries, forcing them to rely on Akatsuki as well. With all that in hand, the group can achieve Step Three, to control the world. It should be noted their goal and plans have been explained by Pain, the man acting as leader. However it has recently been revealed that Pain and the female member reported to Tobi. Tobi was revealed to possess the Sharingan and even possibly be Uchiha Madara himself. What Tobi wants with the Bijuu and powerful Sharingan of Uchiha Sasuke is unknown.

     The stated goal of the group is far reaching and it requires the capturing of the bijuu and "Jinchuuriki," meaning the power of human sacrifice. These are the individuals possessing bijuu (tailed beasts) within their bodies. The demons are known by the number of tails their body possesses. Shukaku is the One-Tailed Tanuki, Nibi is the Two-Tailed Cat, Sanbi is the Three-Tailed Turtle, Yonbi is a Four-Tailed demon and Kyuubi is the Nine-Tailed Fox. The only known Jinchuuriki are Uzumaki Naruto, Gaara of the Sand, Nii Yugito and an unnamed elder Jinchuuriki. Yugito, Gaara and two or possibly three other unknown Jinchuuriki have had their Bijuu removed. All lost their lives save for Gaara, who was later resurrected with a tensei jutsu. At some point after Gaara's capture and before Yugito's, the group managed to capture and seal away another Bijuu. It is unknown if this was a wild bijuu or a Jinchuuriki. Akatsuki's current base of operation is unknown. Previously they met at a cave in the River Country, which was later destroyed. They then moved on to a new base. These bases are used to summon the gigantic King of Hell statue.

Akatsuki      The statue's mouth is bound and his hands are cuffed. Each respective finger of the statue's hand represents the Akatsuki member. Each statue finger thus represents the kanji and ring finger of the member. The members have the ability to project their presence to their base, this allows them to remain out and about and still conduct the business of Jinchuuriki demon extraction. This process takes three days and nights due to the absence of Orochimaru. This length of time goes for both free roaming bijuu and bijuu enhanced Jinchuuriki. To begin to leach the power from the Jinchuuriki, the members will use the sealing technique of GenryuuKyuu Fuujin (Mystical Dragon Nine Exhaustion). This causes the mouth of the statue to open. Nine spectral dragons will emerge to coalesce around the Jinchuuriki to begin the extraction process. When extraction is completed, the bijuu spirit will be sealed within the statue and one of its eyes will open denoting a captured bijuu spirit. The Jinchuuriki themselves will fall back to the earth, dead.

The Gear
Ring and Manicure
Ring Drawn from ancient Chinese and Japanese lore, the kanji on each ring have served in the past as representations of Gods, to help in concentration before battle and in protection from evil. Their ring placement on their finger corresponds to their position on the summoned statue, with each member wearing the ring on a different finger. The rings seem important to each member, as Deidara was set on finding his when it was lost. Orochimaru also took his when he left the group, which apparently denied the group the ability to replace him with someone new. With Sasori's death, Tobi was eager to get his ring and join, but he would need to go through their entrance requirements first.

The Akatsuki member also has manicured finger and toe nails, painted a light shade of purple.
Forehead Protector
Protector Each member wears the traditional forehead protector of the hidden village from which they fled. The protector has been modified though to bear a large scratch through the symbol, showing they no longer hold the same ideals their village does.
Cloak Each member wears a black cloak that bears red clouds. The inside of the cloak is red in color. The cloak is knee length and has a high collar. Underneath the cloak the ninja is seen to wear the more traditional clothing of their home village.
Hat Members wear a traditional bamboo hat (kasa) to hide their appearance when traveling. The hat will be removed when the member enters battle.
The Members
Leader First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Rei (Zero)
Finger Position: Right Thumb
Info: Pain acts as the leader of the group, though he and Konan secretly report to Tobi. He has been adamant that the group can fulfill their desires if they finally possess the bijuu. He also was responsible for summoning the huge statue which holds the spirits of bijuu withdrawn from Jinchuuriki. Pain is also calm and tries to bring order to the group. It is said he's never lost a battle.
Deidara (Former Member - Deceased)
Deidara First Manga Appearance: Ch. 247
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 2
Hidden Village: Rock
Ring: Sei (Blue-Green)
Finger Position: Right Index
Info: Deidara is from Hidden Rock and he utilizes mouths on his palms to create exploding art. He left his village behind to work as a terrorist for anti-nationalists. He was then invited into Akatsuki. He and his partner Sasori were responsible for capturing the One-Tail Jinchuuriki Gaara. Though he lost both arms in battle, both were reattached. After Sasori was killed, Tobi became his partner. Deidara later squared off against Uchiha Sasuke. Unfortunately Sasuke's Sharingan and his Lightning Element attacks got the better of Deidara's Earth based Exploding Clay. In anger, Deidara chose to self-detonate himself to show the true beauty of his art.
BH First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Byaku/Haku (White)
Finger Position: Right Middle
Info: Konan is the lone female member of the group. She works alongside Pain. This duo secretly reports to Tobi, and seem to be the only ones who know about his true nature. Konan possesses the ability to disperse her body into paper, which can then fold itself into butterfies for tracking purposes. When she was younger, she, Pain and another orphan were trained by Jiraiya for a short period. He helped them become stronger and able to fend for themselves in the war torn Rain Country.
Uchiha Itachi
Itachi First Manga Appearance: Ch. 139
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 80
Hidden Village: Leaf
Ring: Shu (Scarlet)
Finger Position: Right Ring
Info: After murdering everyone in his clan, Uchiha Itachi fled his village and joined Akatsuki. Itachi is partnered with Hoshigaki Kisame. They have been assigned to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Naruto. They have attempted to capture Naruto once, and are likely waiting for the right moment to try again.
Zetsu First Manga Appearance: Ch. 234
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 134
Hidden Village: Grass
Ring: Kai (Boar)
Finger Position: Right Little
Info: Zetsu appears venus-fly trap-like in appearance. His main body is split into two halfs, both light and dark. He appeared to be traveling alone when he spied on Naruto and Sasuke's battle at the Valley of the End. For a period he was teamed with non-Akatsuki member Tobi. Once Tobi was admitted into the group, it appears Zetsu once again works alone.
Orochimaru (Former Member - Neutralized)
Orochimaru First Manga Appearance: Ch. 49
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 27
Hidden Village: Sound
Ring: Sora (Sky)
Finger Position: Left Little
Info: After being passed over for Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru began to study forbidden jutsu. He then fled Leaf and joined Akatsuki. He was partnered with Sasori during this period. Orochimaru coveted Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan. He moved to take Itachi's body but Itachi bound Orochimaru with Genjutsu and cut off his arm. Orochimaru fled and took his ring with him. He would later form Hidden Sound and train Itachi's brother Sasuke. When he moved to insert his spirit into Sasuke, the young man bound Orochimaru in Genjutsu and suppressed him. Orochimaru's underling Kabuto also inserted some of Orochimaru's flesh into his body, which soon exerted its will by gradually taking over his body.
Hoshigaki Kisame
Kisame First Manga Appearance: Ch. 139
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 80
Hidden Village: Mist
Ring: Minami (South)
Finger Position: Left Ring
Info: Kisame engaged in murder and rebellion in his home country, fleeing Mist he joined Akatsuki. Kisame is partnered with Uchiha Itachi. They have been assigned to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Naruto. They have attempted to capture Naruto once, and are likely waiting for the right moment to try again.
Kakuzu (Former Member - Deceased)
Kakuzu First Manga Appearance: Ch. 312
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Waterfall
Ring: Hoku (North)
Finger Position: Left Middle
Info: Kakuzu is a missing-nin from Hidden Waterfall. He and his partner Hidan were responsible for acquiring the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. He was a bounty hunter who often got sidetracked on bounty hunts. His body was stitched together by strange tendrils which he used to rip out the hearts of his opponents and then insert into his own body. This granted him their elemental affinities in the form of masked tendril entities. Along with his own Water affinity, he had access to Wind, Fire, Earth and Lightning attacks. Kakashi destroyed the Earth Heart, Hidan accidentally destroyed Water and Naruto destroyed Wind and Fire. Kakuzu was then finished off by Kakashi.
Hidan (Former Member - Neutralized)
Hidan First Manga Appearance: Ch. 312
First Anime Teaser: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Unnamed
Ring: San (Three)
Finger Position: Left Index
Info: Hidan bears a large rope scythe and he admits that he is the slowest attacker of the group. He hails from some as of yet unknown village. He and his partner Kakuzu were responsible for acquiring the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Hidan practices an evil god cult religion named Jashin. This religion loves chaos and death, and Hidan himself is near immortal, surviving after being decapitated. On one of Kakuzu's side bounty trips, he killed Sarutobi Asuma in battle using some unknown jutsu which allows damage to himself to be felt by his opponent. He was eventually blown up and buried deep underground by Shikamaru.
Akasuna no Sasori (Former Member - Deceased)
Sasori First Manga Appearance: Ch. 247
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 2
Hidden Village: Sand
Ring: Tama (Sphere)
Finger Position: Left Thumb
Current Status: Deceased
Info: Sasori (meaning scorpion) traveled with Deidara from Hidden Rock. He was a legendary puppet master from Hidden Sand who left his village approximately 20 years before the start of the series. Sasori converted portions of his body into puppet parts, retaining a flesh and blood portion of his original self in a chest container. He used the "hitokugutsu" method to turn people into puppets while still alive, allowing him to use their jutsu even after their "death." He fell in battle to Chiyo and Sakura, hesitating to not avoid the lethal strike of his parents who had been made into puppets.
Tobi First Manga Appearance: Ch. 280
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 32
Hidden Village: Leaf
Ring: Tama (Sphere)
Finger Position: Left Thumb
Info: Tobi was initially seen as an associate of Zetsu. He appeared clumsy and was very polite in his speech. After Sasori was killed in battle, Tobi was eager to replace Sasori as a new member of Akatsuki. He eventually succeeded and apparently took over Sasori's position in the group. He was then partnered with Deidara. After Deidara's death, it was revealed Tobi gave direction to Pain as to the course of action for the group. He was also revealed to possess the Sharingan and claimed to be Uchiha Madara. Whether Tobi himself is the original Madara or something else is unknown.
The Groups
Deidara and Sasori
Deidara and Sasori were known for being artists. Deidara uses clay to model his explosive animals and Sasori was a master puppet maker. Deidara acted as the junior in their partnership, deferring to Sasori as the stronger ninja. This did not stop them from getting into spats about the nature of art though. After Sasori's death, Tobi assumed his position and role as Deidara's partner. Deidara was assigned to capture the Ichibi and Tobi the Sanbi. Sasori did not know where his Jinchuuriki was. It is unknown if this was the Sanbi or some other individual.
Deidara and Tobi
Deidara and Tobi share a very strained relationship. Always eager to impress his new teammates, Tobi is prone to excitement. This often annoys Deidara who tries to do his best to show Tobi what it means to be an Akatsuki member. Tobi was assigned to capture the Sanbi. Though he boasts that he took out the beast himself, he was helped in his assignment by Deidara.
Hidan and Kakuzu
Hidan and Kakuzu work together and share a somewhat testy relationship. Hidan follows a very strict religion, which annoys Kakuzu with its long rituals. Hidan is very defensive of the religion, causing Kakuzu to often get tired of his partner's diatribes. Kakuzu on the other hand often makes side-trips to collect bounties, which annoys Hidan. Hidan was assigned to capture the Nibi. It is unknown what tailed beast Kakuzu was assigned.
Itachi and Kisame
Itachi and Kisame work together and form a rather strong partnership. Both men seem to respect each other and Kisame seems to act as the junior in the group, deferring to Itachi's decisions. Itachi was assigned to capture the Kyuubi and Kisame was assigned the Yonbi.
Pain and Konan
Pain and Konan have been seen travelling together. Both report to a mysterious figure, who ordered Pain to capture the Kyuubi in his duty as Akatsuki leader.
Yuura Yuura has served as a trusted member of the Kazekage advisory council for four years. Little did Yuura know that he had been placed under a memory block jutsu for over a decade. This block was placed by his former master Sasori. The block made Yuura forget that he was actually gathering data and serving as a plant to wipe out the Sand's defenses. When Sasori returned to Hidden Sand, he activated Yuura and removed the memory block. Returning to his masters commands, Yuura wiped out the Sands defenses, allowing them easier access to capture Gaara. Yuura was later used in a sacrifical jutsu to provide a host body for Uchiha Itachi to inhabit when he fought Kakashi and Naruto. Zetsu later ate his body for sustenance.
Sasori Underling (Unnamed)
Underling This Sand ninja served was an underling of Akatsuki member Sasori. He was used as a sacrifice to take on the form of Hoshigaki Kisame in Pain's Shouten no Jutsu. Kisame fought Gai and managed to imprison Neji, Lee and TenTen. Gai was forced to open several gates and used his Asakujaku technique to pummel "Kisame" and defeat him. In the rubble the body lost its appearance and revealed to Gai that they had not actually been fighting Kisame at all.
Yakushi Kabuto
Kabuto Several years before the series started, Kabuto was already working for Sasori as a spy. He last saw Sasori during this period and operated under Sasori's memory block jutsu for a period of time. Sasori placed Kabuto into Orochimaru's confidence in the hopes of learning more about Orochimaru's body transfer jutsu. However, Orochimaru removed the memory block jutsu from Kabuto and the young man was impressed enough by Orochimaru that he chose to still stand beside him. Sasori was apparently ignorant of this fact, and had scheduled a meeting with Kabuto to give him some item. Sasori was killed before this meeting and Konoha ninja went in his place and impersonated him. Kabuto went to Sasori playing the part of his loyal spy, but he turned against Sasori and planned to kill him with the help of Orochimaru. When it was revealed not to actually be Sasori, they chose to fight the Konoha ninja, including Naruto, anyway.
Bounty Master (Unnamed)
Bounty Master This unnamed bounty master ran one of the disposal centers located in Fire Country region. The center was located in a secret area accessed through a men's restroom. Akatsuki member Kakuzu often used this center to drop off corpses of the bounties he had collected. The master would gladly pay Kakuzu for his services. He was later captured by Konoha and taken in for interrogation by Morino Ibiki.
Kakuzu's Accountant (Unnamed)
Accountant Former Akatsuki member Kakuzu was a bounty hunter and obsessed with wealth. He used the services of this businessman to manage his extensive wealth. After his death, Team Snake sought out the man to learn about Akatsuki's whereabouts.
The Jinchuuriki and their Bijuu
Gaara and Ichibi
Gaara First Manga Appearance: Chapter 35
First Anime Appearance: Episode 20
Hidden Village: Sand
Rank: Kazekage
Bijuu: Shukaku the Ichibi (One-Tailed Tanuki Demon)
Power: Mini-Shukaku form ~ protective sand tanuki form, automatic sand defense
Drawbacks: If Gaara sleeps Shukaku can take control
Status: Captured
Akatsuki Member: Deidara
Info: Chiyo imbued the demon Shukaku into the Kazekage's son Gaara. Gaara lead a lonely life until he met Uzumaki Naruto. He pledged himself to prove his worth and protect his village. His drive led him to become Kazekage. He was defeated in battle by Deidara and Akatsuki removed the Shukaku demon from within Gaara, killing him.
Nii Yugito and Nibi
Yugito First Manga Appearance: Chapter 312
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Unknown
Bijuu: Two-Tailed Cat Demon
Power: Fiery mouth blasts
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured
Info: Yugito was a kunoichi from Hidden Cloud. Like Gaara and Naruto, she was an active part of her village. She appeared to be in her twenties. She contained the two-tailed cat demon, which was defeated in battle by Hidan and Kakuzu. Akatsuki then removed the Nibi from within Yugito, killing her.
No Jinchuuriki First Manga Appearance: Chapter 317
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: None
Bijuu: Three-Tailed Turtle Demon
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki tracked down the location of the Sanbi, the three-tailed demon turtle. Sanbi is "in the wild," with no Jinchuuriki host. For this reason he was weaker, as he could not properly control his power. Tobi was assigned to capture this demon and did so with the assistance of Deidara. This demon was succesfully sealed in the King of Hell by the group.
3 Tail
Elder Jinchuuriki and Yonbi
Old dude First Manga Appearance: Chapter 353
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Unknown
Rank: Unknown
Bijuu: Four-Tailed Demon
Power: Elemental Fusion Jutsu
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured
Info: This unnamed Jinchuuriki was older than any other previously seen Jinchuuriki. He contained the four-tailed demon. It is unknown what animal the bijuu was. He was defeated in battle by Kisame. The large black mark on his nose and cheeks may be an influence of his bijuu.
Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi
Naruto First Manga Appearance: Chapter 1
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Bijuu: Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Fox Demon)
Power: Mini-Kyuubi form ~ protective Kyuubi chakra taking fox form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Naruto
Drawbacks: Excessive use of Kyuubi destroys Naruto's body and makes him a mindless killing machine
Status: Active
Info: Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi within Naruto after it attacked Konoha. Like many Jinchuuriki, Naruto led a lonely life. Over time though, he gained friends and left his life of despair behind. He has been trained by the Sannin Jiraiya to make full use of Jinchuuriki gifts.
Unknown Jinchuuriki One
Jinchuuriki First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki captured this Jinchuuriki and its Bijuu at some point in the past. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. The only firm details are that the Jinchuuriki was an outcast, who was abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them.
Unknown Jinchuuriki Two
Jinchuuriki First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki captured this Jinchuuriki and its Bijuu at some point in the past. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. The only firm details are that the Jinchuuriki was an outcast, who was abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them.
Unknown Jinchuuriki Three
Jinchuuriki First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured
Info: Nibi was the sixth bijuu sealed. At some point after sealing away Ichibi and before Sanbi, another bijuu was sealed away. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. It is also unknown whether it was a Jinchuuriki or a wild bijuu. However, with Tobi's surprise concerning the wild bijuu Sanbi, this third unknown bijuu was probably in a Jinchuuriki.
Unknown Jinchuuriki Four
Jinchuuriki First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Active
Info: Akatsuki has yet to find and seal two Jinchuuriki: Naruto and this unknown Jinchuuriki. It is presently unknown what number of tails it has. Dialogue seems to indicate it may be the Hachibi, however one theoretical model for the King of Hell eye openings indicates it may be the Gobi.
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