  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
  => [=!! kEkkAI gEnkAI gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! clAn gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! bUsinEssEs !!=]
  => [=!! 0rgAnizAti0ns !!=]
  => [=!! sUmm0nings !!=]
  => [=!! spirits And EntitiEs !!=]
  => [=!! AnimAl fAmiliArs !!=]
  => [=!! sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! chAkrA gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! tEchniqUE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! hAnd sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! fUUinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! gEnjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU A-B !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU C !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU D-E !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU F-G !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU H !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu I-J !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU K-KAK !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KAM-KE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KI-KO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KU-L !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU N-P !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU Q-R !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU S-SE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SHA-SHO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu SHU-SOU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU T !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU U-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU A-I !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU K-O !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU P-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU stylE !!=]
  => [=!! d0UjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! kinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! 0thEr skills !!=]
  => [=!! chAngEs in nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
  => [=!! bing0 b00k !!=]
  => [=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! symbol gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! pUppEts gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! rAnk gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! kAgE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! misi0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cl0thing !!=]
  => [=!! t00ls And EqUipmEnt !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cUst0m wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! AccEss0riEs gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! nArUt0 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
Makyou Hyoushou - Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors
Makyou Hyoushou Viz Translation: Ice Crystal Magic Mirror Technique
Character Use: Haku
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Skill
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack

Makyou Hyoushou
Makyou Hyoushou is a Ninjutsu technique unique to Haku's bloodline. After forming the necessary hand seals, nearby water forms long flat mirrors 360 degrees around the target. Haku himself then places himself inside one of the mirrors. Once inside the mirror, Haku can then using the mirror reflections to confuse his target. Utilizing the reflections, Haku can then almost instanteously move from one mirror to the other. Due to the speed, his target will appear to be moving in slow motion. Because of this he can then unleash numerous needles into his opponent with little difficulty. Using this technique for long periods of time however, will quickly use up Haku's chakra.

Makyou no Ran - Disorder of Demonic Haunts
Makyou no Ran Character Use: Tayuya
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack

Makyou no Ran
Makyou no Ran is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Sound kunoichi Tayuya. After summoning her Doki, Tayuya will play a melody which causes them to emit an etheral ghost of chakra from their mouths. These ghosts are basically chakra imbued with mental energy, they starve for physical energy and only have a desire to feed on the chakra of anyone close. If they manage to consume the chakra of someone close, it will limit her opponent's ability to create any more chakra of their own. This can prove very valuable in Tayuya's battles.

Mangekyou "Implosion" Technique (Unnamed)
Susanoo? Character Use: Hatake Kakashi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Far (10m+)
Type: Attack

This doujutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which uses a form of the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to launch a long range attack. This technique may be a third Mangekyou skill in a trio named after mythological deities. The first is Amaterasu, next is Tsukuyomi and this may be Susanoo.

To begin Kakashi formed a handseal to change his normal three tomoe Sharingan into a new Mangekyou form. He then focused on an area of his target. The surrounding area then began to warp and collapse in on itself, quickly reducing the surround area to nothingness. The technique will thus essentially transport the focused area away to another location. The technique caused a huge strain on Kakashi, utilizing a great deal of chakra. He was able to use the technique twice in succession and then revert back to three tomoe, it is unknown how many times he could use it before total exertion.

Mateki • Genbusoukyoku - Magic Flute • Phantasm Warrior Manipulation Melody
Genbusoukyoku Character Use: Tayuya
Rank: B
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Mateki • Genbusoukyoku is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Sound kunoichi Tayuya. After summoning her Doki, Tayuya will play a melody on her flute which allows her to direct their movement. When needed, she can form a handseal and disperse the spirits.

Meisai Gakure no Jutsu - Camouflage Concealment Technique
Meisai Gakure no Jutsu Character Use: Taiseki, Jibachi, Kurobachi, Suzumebachi
Rank: A
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Meisai Gakure no Jutsu
Meisai Gakure no Jutsu is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used by Rock ninja. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja can grant themself near invisibility. So far only the Sharingan eye and its revelation abilities has been shown to pierce the veil and see the hidden ninja. It is unknown if the Byakugan can penetrate the jutsu and see the user's chakra circulatory system.

Mikadzuki no Mai - Dance of the Crescent Moon
Mikadzuki no Mai Character Use: Gekkou Hayate
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Mikadzuki no Mai
Mikadzuki no Mai is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used by the Leaf ninja Gekkou Hayate. As the ninja charges at his opponent, he creates mutiple shadow copies to confuse his opponent. Using the confusion, the real ninja will attack from the opponents blindside.

Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field
Mizuame Nabara Character Use: Kamizuki Izumo
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Defense, Supplementary

Mizuame Nabara
Suiton • Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Izumo will expel a sticky liquid from his gullet. This liquid can cover approximately 20 square meters. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet before touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hindrance. This allows Izumo or a comrade to charge and attack without fear of becoming bogged down as well.

Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique
Mizu Bunshin Character Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Oboro, Tsurugi Misumi, Akadou Yoroi
Rank: C
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Mizu Bunshin
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.

Mizu no Muchi - Whip of Water
Mizu no Muchi Character Use: Kirisame, Hisame, Murasame
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only (OVA #2)

Mizu no Muchi
Mizu no Muchi is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a whip. The ninja can also send an electric current through the whip to electrocute their opponent. The whip will function in the normal fashion, such as allowing the ninja to whip the crap out of little kids.

Mizu no Tatsumaki - Tornado of Water
Mizu no Tatsumaki Character Use: Shibuki
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack, Defense
Special Note: Anime Only (OVA #2)

Mizu no Tatsumaki
Mizu no Tatsumaki is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a spinning water vortex around the ninja. The water acts both as a barrier and attack mechanism. The power of the vortex is enough to knock an opponent unconscious.

Mizukuri no Yaiba - Sword of Draining
Mizukuri no Yaiba Character Use: Shibuki, Suien
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Special Note: Anime Only (OVA #2)

Mizukuri no Yaiba
Taikigakure Ryuu: Mizukuri no Yaiba (Hidden Waterfall Style: Sword of Draining) is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a sword. The sword can be wielded in the normal fashion, allowing the ninja to cut and stab like a normal blade.

Mizurappa - Violent Water Wave
Mizurappa Character Use: Yahiko
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack

Suiton • Mizurappa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Yahiko will expel a strong jet of water at his opponent.

Moku Bunshin no Jutsu - Wood Clone Technique
Moku Bunshin Character Use: Yamato
Rank: -
Note: Secret Technique
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Moku Bunshin
Moku Bunshin no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Yamato. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Yamato will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from his body. This wood will morph and form a clone of Yamato, capable of utilizing all the same Mokuton techniques as the original.

Mokujin Jutsu - Wooden Men Technique
Mokujin Character Use: Ryuudouin Clan
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary, Attack

Ninpou: Mokujin is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Ryuudouin clan. Using their vast army of wooden training men, the three brothers will place charms on the heads of the dummies. The charms contain simple attack instructions. If a target comes close, the chakra imbued dummies will begin to attack in various ways. The wooden men are "dumb", in that they are not able to respond to their opponents counterattack. If the charm on the wooden man is removed, the dummy is rendered useless.

Mokujin Hitsugi - Wooden Men Coffin
Mokujin Hitsugi Character Use: Ryuudouin Clan
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Supplementary

Mokujin Hitsugi
Ninpou: Mokujin Hitsugi is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Ryuudouin clan. Using their vast army of wooden training men, the three brothers will place charms on the heads of the dummies to attack their target. When the target is sufficiently surrounded, the clan members will break the wooden men down into their base parts and then combine them into long rows. These rows will stack and combine to surround their target and isolate them from the outside world. The wooden parts will be imbued with the clan member’s chakra and be greatly strengthened as a result. If enough power is placed against the structure however, it can come crashing apart.

Mokujin Soujutsu - Wooden Men Manipulation Technique
Mokujin Soujutsu Character Use: Ryuudouin Clan
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary, Attack, Defend

Mokujin Soujutsu
Ninpou: Mokujin Soujutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Ryuudouin clan. Using their vast army of wooden training men, the three brothers will place charms on the heads of the dummies. Because these men are "dumb" and only attack randomly, a target can easily defeat them with time. This technique allows specific men to become puppets to the clan members, and obey their will. This allows the puppets to better attack and defend themselves against their target.

Moku Shouheki no Jutsu - Wood Barrier Technique
Mizu Bunshin Character Use: Yamato
Rank: -
Note: Secret Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense

Mizu Bunshin
Mokuton • Moku Shouheki no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Yamato. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Yamato will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. The beams can converge to form a half spherical barrier to deflect an incoming blast.

Mugen Sajin Daitoppa - Infinite Dust Great Breakthrough
Mugen Sajin Daitoppa Character Use: Gaara
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Defense

Mugen Sajin Daitoppa
Fuuton • Mugen Sajin Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. While in his partially transformed Shukaku form, Gaara can inhale a large amount of air into the Shukaku chest cavity. He can then exhale the air in a large gust capable of turning back an incoming attack.

Murder of Crows Confusion Technique (Unnamed)
Murder of Crows Character Use: Yamashiro Aoba
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Supplementary

Murder of Crows
This unnamed technique is used by Konoha ninja Yamashiro Aoba. Aoba will call upon a murder of crows, these crows will fly around the target, causing confusion with their dark forms and quick movement. A comrade of Aoba can move within the flock wearing dark clothes and wielding a dark weapon almost undetected. With the target distracted by the crows, the ninja can strike more easily. Also the mass of crows can obscure any retreating ninja. When no longer needed, the murder of crows will simply puff away in smoke.

Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu - Insect Clone Technique
Kikaichuu Bunshin Character Use: Aburame Shino
Rank: -
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Kikaichuu Bunshin
Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Aburame clan of Leaf village. Using the destruction bugs living in their body, the clan host uses the bugs to form a Bunshin copy of themself to trick their opponent. Once damaged by an attack, the technique ends and the clone disperses back into the bugs which formed it.

Mushi Kabe no Jutsu - Insect Wall Technique
Mushi Kabe Character Use: Aburame Shino
Rank: -
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense
Special Note: Anime Only
Mushi Kabe
Mushi Kabe no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Aburame clan of Leaf village. After forming the needed handseals, the clan user will expel the destruction bugs living in their body. The bugs will surround the member and fly at a high rate of speed forming a protective wall vortex. The vortex will be strong enough to destroy incoming bug attacks. The vortex can be disrupted and the clan members inside rendered vulnerable if sufficient explosive force is expended outside the protective shell.

Mushi Yose no Jutsu - Insect Gathering Technique
Mushi Yose Character Use: Aburame Shino
Rank: -
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only
Mushi Yose
Mushi Yose no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Aburame clan of Leaf village. After forming the needed handseals, the clan user will place their hand to a surface and extend a web-like chakra lure to insects in the surrounding area to their location. Running this web over the area will cause any nearby bugs to walk up into it and follow it back to the source.
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[=!! lEAvE mEssAgE hErE !!=]  

[=!! mAngA !!=]  
clIck If y0u wAnt t0 rEAd mAngA..
[=!! pArtnEr !!=]  
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