  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
  => [=!! kEkkAI gEnkAI gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! clAn gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! bUsinEssEs !!=]
  => [=!! 0rgAnizAti0ns !!=]
  => [=!! sUmm0nings !!=]
  => [=!! spirits And EntitiEs !!=]
  => [=!! AnimAl fAmiliArs !!=]
  => [=!! sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! chAkrA gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! tEchniqUE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! hAnd sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! fUUinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! gEnjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU A-B !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU C !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU D-E !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU F-G !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU H !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu I-J !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU K-KAK !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KAM-KE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KI-KO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KU-L !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU N-P !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU Q-R !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU S-SE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SHA-SHO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu SHU-SOU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU T !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU U-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU A-I !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU K-O !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU P-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU stylE !!=]
  => [=!! d0UjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! kinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! 0thEr skills !!=]
  => [=!! chAngEs in nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
  => [=!! bing0 b00k !!=]
  => [=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! symbol gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! pUppEts gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! rAnk gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! kAgE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! misi0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cl0thing !!=]
  => [=!! t00ls And EqUipmEnt !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cUst0m wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! AccEss0riEs gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! nArUt0 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
Suigadan - Water Fang Projectile
Suigadan Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Suiton • Suigadan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals to cause a nearby body of water to form a spinning drill.

Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
Water Element Character Use: Second Hokage, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense

Suiton • Suijinheki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.

Suikoudan no Jutsu - Water Shark Projectile Technique
Water Element Character Use: Hoshigaki Kisame, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack

Suiton • Suikoudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals which then causes a column of water to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Suirou no Jutsu Viz Translation: Art of the Water Prison
Character Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hoshigaki Kisame
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary

Suirou no Jutsu
Suirou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.

Suiryuudan no Jutsu - Water Dragon Projectile Technique
Water Element Viz Translation: Water Style ~ Water Dragon Missile
Character Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi, Second Hokage (Manga), Shibuki
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack

Suiton • Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Suishouha - Water Collision Destruction
Water Element Character Use: Second Hokage
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Special note: Anime Only

Suiton • Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. Nidaime Hokage does a string of hand seals which then causes a large volume of water to materialize out of nowhere. The water can then be directed at his target.

Sumi Bunshin no Jutsu - Ink Clone Technique
Ink Clone Character Use: Sai
Rank: Unknown
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Ink Clone
Sumi Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes ink to create a Bunshin clone. If the Sumi Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural ink state.

Suna Bunshin no Jutsu - Sand Clone Technique
Suna Bunshin Character Use: Gaara, Sasori
Rank: Unknown
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Suna Bunshin
Suna Bunshin is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. The clone functions like a normal Bunshin, except it is made out of sand. The clone itself can be formed out of the Suna no Tate that protects Gaara. When a ninja goes to attack the Bunshin, the malleability of the sand allows the blow to sink into the sand, which can then wrap itself around the limb to constrain the attacker.

Suna no Muya - Cocoon of Sand
Suna no Muya Character Use: Gaara
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Suna no Muya
Suna no Muya is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. It serves as one of Gaara's absolute defenses. After forming the needed hand seals, a sphere of sand will surround his body. This sand cocoon is made as a defensive measure and is also made to allow Gaara to enter into his Shukaku state. Where his body becomes encased in Sand to make him resemble a smaller form of the Shukaku demon. While in the cocoon Gaara will use the Daisan no Me (Third Eye) to view his opponent and the surrounding battlefield.

Suna no Tate - Shield of Sand
Suna no Tate Character Use: Gaara
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense

Suna no Tate
Suna no Tate is a Ninjutsu technique created by the Shukaku demon imbued into Gaara. The shield that protects Gaara does so under its own will. Since the time Gaara was a baby, the sand incarnation Shukaku has protected Gaara using this shield of sand. When needed, Gaara can also use his own chakra to control the sand to act as a barrier. Because the protection is reliant upon how quickly the Shukaku demon can respond, it is possible a fast enough ninja can bypass the sand and strike Gaara. If the shield fails, Gaara uses his Suna no Yoroi to act as secondary protection from attack.

Suna no Yoroi - Armor of Sand
Suna no Yoroi Character Use: Gaara
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m))
Type: Defense

Suna no Yoroi
Suna no Yoroi is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. If Gaara's Suna no Tate fails, Gaara uses an almost invisible thin layer of sand to cover his body. For the sand to cover Gaara's body, he has to use his body's chakra. When covered by the sand Gaara becomes heavier and it is more difficult for his body to maneuver. Though the sand does provide some protection, sufficient strikes will break the armor to expose Gaara's natural body.

Suna Raishin - Sand Lightning Needles
Suna Raishin Character Use: Gaara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Special note: Movie Two Only

Suna Raishin
Suna Raishin is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. Gaara will hurl sand into the air which will come down around his target as hard pikes. Electricity will be generated from the pikes to arc towards and attack his opponent.If his opponent utilizes lightning, it appears this technique will neutralize its usage in the target.

Suna Shigure - Sand Shower
Suna Shigure Character Use: Gaara
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack

Suna Shigure
The Suna Shigure is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. Using his chakra to control nearby sand, Gaara will levitate small clumps of sand above his opponent. This sand can be used to distract his target while he starts his Sabaku Kyuu technique or to provide further sand for the sand coffin itself.

Suna Shuriken - Sand Shuriken
Suna Shuriken Character Use: Gaara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack

Suna Shuriken
The Sand Shuriken is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Gaara. Using his chakra to control nearby sand, Gaara will hurl disks of sand at his opponent. Spinning through the air the disks are deadly in strength, inflicting large amounts of damage to his target and surrounding objects.

Suzu no Oto - Sound of Bells
Suzu no Oto Character Use: Kin Tsuchi
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only

Suzu no Oto
Suzu no Oto is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Sound kunoichi Kin. Kin will hurl senbon which have bells attached with string. This string will also run from the senbon itself to her hand. After she hurls the senbon at her opponent, the dangling bells can be moved by Kin to emit a ring at a special frequency. This frequency reaches directly into her opponents brain and shows them the desired illusions. Unfortunately simple ear plugging will not prevent the illusions. One way this can be utilized is to confuse her opponent. By making her opponent see multiple copies of herself, she can confuse them as to her actual location. This is especially deadly when senbon or kunai are thrown, making it difficult to tell which weapon to avoid.

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