  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
  => [=!! kEkkAI gEnkAI gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! clAn gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! bUsinEssEs !!=]
  => [=!! 0rgAnizAti0ns !!=]
  => [=!! sUmm0nings !!=]
  => [=!! spirits And EntitiEs !!=]
  => [=!! AnimAl fAmiliArs !!=]
  => [=!! sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! chAkrA gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! tEchniqUE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! hAnd sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! fUUinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! gEnjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU A-B !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU C !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU D-E !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU F-G !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU H !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu I-J !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU K-KAK !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KAM-KE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KI-KO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KU-L !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU N-P !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU Q-R !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU S-SE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SHA-SHO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu SHU-SOU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU T !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU U-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU A-I !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU K-O !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU P-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU stylE !!=]
  => [=!! d0UjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! kinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! 0thEr skills !!=]
  => [=!! chAngEs in nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
  => [=!! bing0 b00k !!=]
  => [=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! symbol gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! pUppEts gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! rAnk gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! kAgE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! misi0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cl0thing !!=]
  => [=!! t00ls And EqUipmEnt !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cUst0m wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! AccEss0riEs gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! nArUt0 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
Akatsuki: Deidara and Sasori
Deidara and Sasori Base of Operations: Wandering
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad

Akatsuki breaks its members into two-man partnerships to have them explore the world, collecting new jutsu and information on jinchuuriki. Akatsuki members Deidara and Sasori work together and are known for being artists. Deidara uses clay to model his explosive animals and Sasori is a master puppet maker. Deidara acts as the junior in their partnership, defering to Sasori as the stronger ninja. This does not stop them from getting into spats about the nature of art though.

Akatsuki: Deidara and Tobi
Deidara and Sasori Base of Operations: Wandering
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad

Akatsuki breaks its members into two-man partnerships to have them explore the world, collecting new jutsu and information on jinchuuriki. Akatsuki members Deidara and Tobi work together. Deidara uses clay to model his explosive animals; Tobi's jutsu are currently unknown. Deidara acts as the senior in their partnership.

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Akatsuki: Hidan and Kakuzu
Hidan and Kakuzu Base of Operations: Wandering
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad

Akatsuki breaks its members into two-man partnerships to have them explore the world, collecting new jutsu and information on jinchuuriki. Akatsuki members Hidan and Kakuzu work together and share a somewhat testy relationship. Hidan follows a very strict religion, which annoys Kakuzu with its long rituals. Hidan is very defensive of the religion, causing Kakuzu to often get tired of his partner's diatribes.

Akatsuki: Itachi and Kisame
Itachi and Kisame Base of Operations: Wandering
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad

Akatsuki breaks its members into two-man partnerships to have them explore the world, collecting new jutsu and information on jinchuuriki. Akatsuki members Kisame and Itachi were placed together. Itachi is one of the last surviving members of the Uchiha clan and Kisame is a former Seven Swordsman from Hidden Mist.

Akatsuki: Pain and Konan
Pain Base of Operations: Wandering
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad

Akatsuki breaks its members into two-man partnerships to have them explore the world, collecting new jutsu and information on jinchuuriki. Akatsuki members Pain and Konan work together. They appear to have a close relationship and seem to be the only two members to know the truth about the group's true plans.

Four Sounds
Kidoumaru Base of Operations: Hidden Sound
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Kidoumaru, Sakon, Tayuya, Ukon, Jiroubou

These four sound ninja serve as elite personal guards to Orochimaru. The membership of the group has varied in number.

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Fuujin and Raijin
Lightning and Wind Base of Operations: Fire Country
Classification: Siblings
Member Apearances: Fuujin, Raijin

The brothers Fuujin and Raijin were former Konoha ninja who were imprisoned after putting food ahead of their teammate's lives. After being captured, the brothers were put into prison for their crime.

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Fuuma Clan Trio
Trio Base of Operations: Hidden Sound
Classification: Ninja Squad/Clan
Member Apearances: Fuuma Kagerou, Fuuma Jigumo, Fumma Kamakiri

These three ninja hail from the Fuuma Clan. When their clan hit hard times after a war with a neighboring country, Orochimaru came to the Rice Field Country and invited them to join his new army. These three individuals decided their clan's future was best left to Orochimaru.

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Haido Knights
Knights Base of Operations: Wandering fortress
Classification: Knights
Member Apearances: Fugai, Kamina, Ranke, Temujin and Haido

Haido sought to bring peace to the world through war and the manipulation of his victims. Using the power of the Geller stone he invaded the continent of the shinobi villages. His forces were lead by four knights: Fugai, Kamina, Ranke and Temujin. All the knights had pieces of the stone lodged in their chests, granting them new power and abilities.

Ino Shika Cho (Jounin)
Ino Shika Cho (Jounin) Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara Shikaku and Akimichi Chouza

Named after the Japanese card game hand, Ino Shika Cho was a group of three Leaf ninja who used their attack formation to fight opponents. These men passed on these techniques and formation to their children. The Yamanaka clan specializes in mind-transfer, the Nara clan has unique shadow abilities and the Akimichi clan has the ability to modify the size of their bodies.

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Janin (Evil Ninja)
Criminal Brothers Base of Operations: Vegetable Country
Classification: Ninja Squad/Siblings
Member Apearances: Jiga, Renga, Ruiga

The Janin were three brothers who set out to take control of the Vegetable Country by killing the Daimyou and hunting his heir down.

Kamizuru Clan Trio
Kamizuru Base of Operations: Hidden Rock
Classification: Ninja Squad/Clan
Member Apearances: Jibachi, Kurobachi, Suzumebachi

The Kamizuru Clan was once a powerful bug user clan in Hidden Rock. They sought the Bikouchou tracking bug in the hopes it would lead them to their grandfather's hidden kinjutsu scrolls.

Konohamaru Corps (Team Ebisu)
Konohamaru Corps Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Child's Play Group and Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon

The grandson of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru, formed his own ninja play group. Sometimes Naruto plays "ninja" with them.

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Oni (Demon) Brothers
Hail Mary pass to win the game Base of Operations: Wave Country
Classification: Siblings
Member Apearances: Gouzu, Meizu

These two brothers are missing-nins from Hidden Mist. They work under the direction of Momochi Zabuza.

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Ryuudouin Clan Trio
Ryuudouin Base of Operations: Fire Country
Classification: Ninja Squad/Clan
Member Apearances: Genshou, Rokkaku, Jakou

The Ryuudouin Clan were once a powerful wood training men using clan. Maito Gai defeated the clan head in battle, and his sons Rokkaku, Jakou and Genshou swore vengeance.

Sand Siblings
Sand Siblings Base of Operations: Hidden Sand
Classification: Ninja Squad/Siblings
Member Apearances: Temari, Kankurou, Gaara

The sand siblings were a Genin group under the command of Sand Jounin Baki. All three were the children of Yondaime Kazekage.

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Sannin Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade

The three highly skilled Hidden Leaf ninja are known as the Legendary "Sannin," or Legendary "Three Ninja." All three were initially Genin teammates under Sandaime Hokage. As the years passed their legend grew due to their skills and excellence as ninja.

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Seven Swordsmen Shinobi of the Mist
Swords Base of Operations: Hidden Mist
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Momochi Zabuza, Hoshigaki Kisame, Kurosuki Raiga, Suigetsu (Trainee)

These seven ninja from the Village of Hidden Mist are known for their sword wielding. Former members include Momochi Zabuza, Hoshigaki Kisame and Kurosuki Raiga. With the exit of members Zabuza, Kisame and Raiga it is unknown if the Mist Seven swordsmen group is still intact. The group was known for passing on their swords to the next generation of members. One trainee, Suigetsu, hoped to one day become a member of the group.

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Shura Base of Operations: Forest Country
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Gantestu, Shura, Monju, Doki

Shinobazu were rogue ninja who left their villages behind to take up robbery in the Forest Country.

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ShitenShounin Base of Operations: Takumi Village
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Houki, Kujaku, Ryuugan, Suiko

Four skilled weapons users from Takumi Village planned to use the resurrection of their village founder to seek revenge against the Five Great Shinobi Countries. They operated under the name Shitenshounin, or the Four Heavenly Directions. This name stemmed from the characters in their name matching with the deities of the directions: Houki the Turtle, Kujaku the Bird, Ryuugan the Dragon and Suiko the Tiger.

Sound Genin
Dosu Base of Operations: Hidden Sound
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Dosu Kinuta, Kin Tsuchi, Zaku Abumi, Orochimaru

The Sound Genin were trained separately by Orochimaru and brought together to participate in the Chuunin Exam. Orochimaru took on a disguise and acted as their Jounin sensei.

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Snow Ninja
Snow Ninja Base of Operations: Hidden Snow
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Fuyuguma Mizore, Kakuyoku Fubuki, Rouga Nadare, Kazahana Dotou

Kazahana Dotou sought power to combat the Five Great Shinobi Countries. He gathered a fighting force of ninja trained in ice attacks lead by the trio of Fuyuguma Mizore, Kakuyoku Fubuki and Rouga Nadare.

Team 7
Team 7 Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Sai, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Yamato

Team 7 was one of the skilled rookie Genin squads in Konoha, consisting of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke under Jounin Sensei Hatake Kakashi. Membership on the team changed over the years.

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Team 8
Team 8 Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba + Akamaru, Yuuhi Kurenai, Hatake Kakashi

Team 8 was one of the skilled rookie Genin squads in Konoha, consisting of Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata and Inuzuka Kiba & Akamaru under Jounin Sensei Yuuhi Kurenai.

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Team 10 (Ino Shika Cho)
Ino Shika Cho (Team 10) Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Sarutobi Asuma, Hatake Kakashi

Named after the Japanese card game hand, Ino Shika Cho is also a formation also used by the children of its creators. The Yamanaka clan specializes in mind-transfer, the Nara clan has unique shadow abilities and the Akimichi clan has the ability to modify the size of their body. The three Ino Shika Chou members were lead by Jounin sensei Sarutobi Asuma. Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji first use their Ino Shika Chou formation during the Chuunin Exam.

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Team Gai
Team Gai Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Hyuuga Neji, Rock Lee, TenTen, Maito Gai

Team Gai was one of the skilled Genin squads in Konoha, consisting of Hyuuga Neji, Rock Lee and TenTen under Jounin Sensei Maito Gai.

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Team Jiraiya
Team Jiraiya Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya and Two Unnamed Members

Team Jiraiya was a ninja squad in Hidden Leaf. The team consisted of Namikaze Minato (the Fourth Hokage) and two other unnamed ninja under the leadership of Jiraiya.

Team Kabuto
Team Kabuto Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Yakushi Kabuto, Tsurugi Misumi, Akadou Yoroi and Unnamed Jounin Sensei

Some dude
Team Kabuto was one of the Genin teams participating in the Chuunin Exam. The three Genin draw their names from samurai accoutrements: Kabuto (helmet), Yoroi (armor) and Tsurugi (sword).

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Team Kegon
Team Kegon Base of Operations: Hidden Waterfall
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Kegon, Houki and Unnamed Member

Team Kegon was one of the Genin teams participating in the Chuunin Exam. Kegon and his team passed the first portion of the test but did not make it past the second. During the second test the team had the Earth scroll and left from Gate 23.

Team Nidaime
Team Nidaime Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Sarutobi, Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, Nidaime Hokage

Team Nidaime was a ninja squad in Hidden Leaf. The team consisted of Sarutobi, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu under the leadership of Nidaime Hokage. This skilled team would go on to lead Konoha after the passing of the brothers Shodai and Nidaime. Sarutobi would become the Third Hokage and Homura and Koharu would become village advisors.

Team Oboro
Team Oboro Base of Operations: Hidden Rain
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Oboro, Mubi, Kagari

Team Oboro was one of the Genin teams participating in the Chuunin Exam.

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Team Shigure
Team Shigure Base of Operations: Hidden Rain
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Shigure, Midari, Baiu

Team Shigure was one of the Genin teams participating in the Chuunin Exam.

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Team Shiore
Team Shiore Base of Operations: Hidden Grass
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Shiore and Two Unnamed Members

Team Shiore was one of the Genin teams participating in the Chuunin Exam.

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Team Snake
Team Sasuke Base of Operations: Hidden Sound
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Uchiha Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, Juugo

Team Snake was formed for Sasuke's own ends.

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Team Yondaime
Team Yondaime Base of Operations: Hidden Leaf
Classification: Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Hatake Kakashi, Rin, Uchiha Obito, Yondaime Hokage

Team Yondaime was a ninja squad in Hidden Leaf. The team consisted of Hatake Kakashi, Rin and Uchiha Obito under the leadership of Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage.

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Twelve Elite Guardians
Symbol Base of Operations: Fire Country
Classification: Specialized Ninja Squad
Member Apearances: Chiriku, Sarutobi Asuma

The Twelve Guardians are an elite group assigned to protect the Fire Country Daimyou. The members are identified by the "Fire" kanji marked loincloths they wear.
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[=!! cl0ck !!=]  
[=!! LAtEst !!=]  

gundam info is added.. click here if u want to go to gundam..
[=!! lEAvE mEssAgE hErE !!=]  

[=!! mAngA !!=]  
clIck If y0u wAnt t0 rEAd mAngA..
[=!! pArtnEr !!=]  
clIck If y0u wAnt t0 visiT mY pArtnEr wEbsItE
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