  [=!! h0mE !!=]
  [=!! c0mEnt !!=]
  [=!! gUEstb00k !!=]
  [=!! shUfflE mElb0urnE !!=]
  [=!! nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! gr0Up And tEAM !!=]
  => [=!! kEkkAI gEnkAI gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! clAn gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! bUsinEssEs !!=]
  => [=!! 0rgAnizAti0ns !!=]
  => [=!! sUmm0nings !!=]
  => [=!! spirits And EntitiEs !!=]
  => [=!! AnimAl fAmiliArs !!=]
  => [=!! sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! chAkrA gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! tEchniqUE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! hAnd sEAls gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! fUUinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! gEnjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU A-B !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU C !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU D-E !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU F-G !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU H !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu I-J !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU K-KAK !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KAM-KE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KI-KO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU KU-L !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU M !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU N-P !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU Q-R !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU S-SE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SHA-SHO !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsu SHU-SOU !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU SUI-SUZ !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU T !!=]
  => [=!! ninjUtsU U-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU A-I !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU K-O !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU P-Z !!=]
  => [=!! tAijUtsU stylE !!=]
  => [=!! d0UjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! kinjUtsU !!=]
  => [=!! 0thEr skills !!=]
  => [=!! chAngEs in nArUt0 !!=]
  => [=!! AkAtsUki !!=]
  => [=!! bing0 b00k !!=]
  => [=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! symbol gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! pUppEts gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! rAnk gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! kAgE gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! misi0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cl0thing !!=]
  => [=!! t00ls And EqUipmEnt !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! ninjA cUst0m wEAp0n gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! AccEss0riEs gUidE !!=]
  => [=!! nArUt0 mAngA !!=]
  [=!! blEAch !!=]
  [=!! gUndAm !!=]
  [=!! dEtEctivE c0nAn !!=]
  [=!! rAvE mAstEr !!=]
  [=!! fAiry tAil !!=]
  [=!! shAmAn king !!=]
  [=!! yUI y0shI0kA !!=]
  [=!! fUnny j0kEs !!=]
  [=!! gAmE chEAt c0dE !!=]
  [=!! blAck cAt !!=]
  [=!! rUr0Uni kEnshin !!=]
  [=!! tsUbAsA rEsErv0ir chr0niclE !!=]
  [=!! EyEshiEld 21 !!=]
  [=!! fAtE-stAy night !!=]
  [=!! flAmE 0f rEccA !!=]
  [=!! fUll mEtAl AlchEmist !!=]
  [=!! hUntEr X hUntEr !!=]
  [=!! inUyAshA !!=]
  [=!! princE 0f tEnnis !!=]
  [=!! slAm dUnk !!=]
  [=!! vAmpirE knight !!=]
  [=!! Air gEAr !!=]
  [=!! z0mbiE l0An !!=]
  [=!! finAl fAntAsy 7 !!=]
  [=!! kimi t0 itAhibi !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 1 !!=]
  [=!! g0kUsEn 2 !!=]
  [=!! 0nE piEcE !!=]
  [=!! Ab0Ut 0nE piEcE !!=]
[=!! jinchUUriki gUidE !!=]
The Jinchuuriki and their Bijuu
Akatsuki "Jinchuuriki" meaning the "power of human sacrifice", are those individuals possessing tailed demons within their bodies. The demons themselves are known by the number of tails their body possesses, and each has different characteristics. Shukaku ("Ichibi") is the One-Tailed Tanuki, "Nibi" is the Two-Tailed Cat, "Sanbi" is the Three-Tailed Turtle, "Yonbi" is a Four-Tailed animal and "Kyuubi" is the Nine-Tailed Fox. The only known named jinchuuriki are Uzumaki Naruto, Gaara of the Sand and Nii Yugito. One other unnamed elder jinchuuriki has been seen. Sanbi is the only known bijuu without a host.

The bijuu are creatures of great power and destruction, and all the ninja nations coveted that power and sought to make it their own as weapons. To that end the various bijuu were captured and the ninja nations attempted to use that power. This unimaginable power proves difficult to manage however, requiring literal sacrifices to gain control. Several jutsu variations have been used to seal a bijuu within a human. Yondaime Hokage used his Shiki Fuujin technique to capture the rampaging Kyuubi and seal it within Naruto. The jutsu had a high price, resulting in the death of the jutsu's user, Yondaime Hokage. The Ichibi Shukaku was sealed into the unborn body of Gaara, with the sacrifice taking the form of his mother, who died as a result of his birth.

Shukaku has previously been imbued into two Sand ninja. When their time as possessor came to an end, Shukaku was removed from their bodies at the cost of their own lives. Such a result has been the only shown way to remove the bijuu from a Jinchuuriki. It requires a Fuuin (Sealing) Jutsu capable of resonating at the same power frequency as that between the bijuu and their human host over a period of time. Akatsuki used one such method which took three days to accomplish. This GenryuuKyuu Fuujin (Mystical Dragon Nine Exhaustion) was used to remove three bijuu, resulting in the death of two unnamed Jinchuuriki, Gaara and Yugito.

The hope of Jinchuuriki creation is for the human and the tailed beast to resonate together, thereby granting the human some measure of their immense power. Each beast appears to interact with their host in unique ways, and grant their host power in different amounts. The life of a jinchuuriki has been seen to be a difficult one. Many see the jinchuuriki as the demon itself, and fear and shun them. This causes many to become dejected outcasts who become angry with the world. Gaara became crazy and felt alone because of his demon. Naruto also grew angry with the world and turned to pranks to get everyone to recognize him. Two other jinchuuriki also grew distant from the world, with their villages not exerting any effort to save them when Akatsuki came to capture them.

This guide will examine the mythology and history of the demons in the real world and in-universe, biographical information on the beasts and their human hosts and how the beasts affect their hosts.
Unknown Jinchuuriki One
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: Akatsuki captured this Jinchuuriki and its Bijuu at some point in the past. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. The only firm details are that the jinchuuriki was an outcast, who was abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them.
The Bijuu
Unknown Jinchuuriki Two
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: Akatsuki captured this Jinchuuriki and its Bijuu at some point in the past. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. The only firm details are that the jinchuuriki was an outcast, who was abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them.
The Bijuu
Unknown Jinchuuriki Three
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: Nibi was the sixth bijuu sealed. At some point after sealing away Ichibi and before Sanbi, another bijuu was sealed away. It is unknown what tailed demon it was and which Akatsuki member captured it. It is also unknown whether it was a Jinchuuriki or a wild bijuu. However, with Tobi's surprise concerning the wild bijuu Sanbi, this third unknown bijuu was probably in a Jinchuuriki.
The Bijuu
Unknown Jinchuuriki Four
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: NA
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: ?
Rank: ?
Bijuu: ?
Status: Active
Info: Akatsuki has yet to find and seal two Jinchuuriki: Naruto and this unknown Jinchuuriki. It is presently unknown what number of tails it has. Dialogue seems to indicate it may be the Hachibi, however one theoretical model for the King of Hell eye openings indicates it may be the Gobi.
The Bijuu
Gaara and Ichibi
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 35
First Anime Appearance: Episode 20
Hidden Village: Sand
Rank: Kazekage
Bijuu: Shukaku the Ichibi (One-Tailed Demon Tanuki)
Power: Mini-Shukaku form ~ protective sand tanuki form, automatic sand defense
Drawbacks: If Gaara sleeps Shukaku can take control
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: Chiyo imbued the demon Shukaku into the Kazekage's son Gaara. Gaara lead a lonely life until he met Uzumaki Naruto. He pledged himself to prove his worth and protect his village. His drive led him to become Kazekage. He was defeated in battle by Deidara and Akatsuki removed the Shukaku demon from within Gaara, killing him. He was later revived by Chiyo, but he was no longer a Jinchuuriki. He retained some sand control powers however.
The Bijuu
History and Myth
The tanuki is species of dog found in Japan. The species has been called "raccoon dog" because of their similar appearance. The tanuki has been renowned for its mischievous nature and ability to shape shift and bring good fortune. The Naruto Shukaku has ties to several tanuki archetypes. One is the Bunbuku Chagama tale, where a tanuki transformed into a tea kettle. In the series Shukaku was reported to have been sealed within one. Some tales state of shrine priests being tanuki in disguise, which ties into how early in the series Shukaku was reportedly a corrupted Sand priest.
Chiyo Chiyo is an elder Sand kunoichi who sealed the Shukaku demon in Gaara under the direction of his father the Yondaime Kazekage. Chiyo previously helped seal the one-tailed demon into two Sand ninja and assisted in its removal when the time came.
Early in the series Shukaku was said to be the corrupted spirit of a Sand priest. We now know he is actually one of the tailed demons of the world. Shukaku the one-tail has been in three Sand ninja total. One of his previous hosts inspired Sandaime Kazekage in his usage of iron sand. Shukaku provokes insomnia in his host vessels, should they sleep Shukaku will eat away at their personality. When the host is awake, Shukaku's powers are limited. If the host builds a new Shukaku body and falls unconscious, the demon can run riot once again. Shukaku is loud and flamboyant in his speech, probably as a result of not being released very often. With his capture by Akatsuki, it is unknown what lies in his future.
Shukaku lied dormant within Gaara but could operate freely when Gaara slept. Because of the dangerous nature of Shukaku in this free wheeling state, Gaara went without sleep. As a result his eyes become dark and discolored. Stylistically this enhanced his ties to the tanuki, as the species has a dark area around their eyes.

Other features which cause Gaara to resemble a tanuki is the gourd on his back, many depictions of the tanuki feature a gigantic gourd-shaped scrotum which it sometimes slings over its shoulders.

Automated defense: Gaara's utilization of the one-tailed Shukaku demon takes several forms. The sand demon provides Gaara with an automatic shield defense, protecting him from strikes. The automated defense is limited in speed though, a fast enough attack can reach Gaara's body before the sand can catch up to defend.

Power: Using his own chakra to encase his foes in sand, Gaara would constrict and crush his opponents. In turn their blood would strengthen Shukaku. When the sand returned to Gaara's gourd, the blood of the victim would be mixed in. The exact reason why the blood strengthened Shukaku is unknown.

Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form
Shukaku Utilizing the sand from his Gourd and the surrounding area, Gaara would cover himself to attain his "perfect" form. To prepare him for this state, Gaara would enter his sand cocoon. When prepared, Gaara would emerge as a small version of Shukaku. This "mini-Shukaku" form allowed Gaara to hurl sand shuriken and use techniques such as Mugen Sajin Daitoppa. The final perfected version is a large scale usage which allows Shukaku himself to emerge and run rampant. Gaara will first gather a gigantic amount of sand into a large-Shukaku form. He will then use the Feigned Sleep technique to fall unconscious an allow Shukaku to control the large sand form. This form was said to have horrified Temari, and been the cause of much destruction in the past.
Other Shukaku Influences
Shukaku Beyond being used to cause much destruction while he himself is asleep, Gaara uses techniques which show the influence of Shukaku upon him. These include the set-up for Sabaku Rou with its Shukaku claw-esque tendrils and Shukaku no Tate, said to be Gaara's Saikou Zettai Bougyo (Supreme Absolute Defense).
Nii Yugito and Nibi
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 312
First Anime Appearance: Episode NA
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Unknown (Probably Jounin)
Bijuu: Two-Tailed Demon Cat
Power: Fiery mouth blasts
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: Yugito was a kunoichi from Hidden Cloud. Like Gaara and Naruto, she was an active part of her village. She appeared to be in her twenties. She contained the two-tailed cat demon called an ikiryou, or "living ghost". She was defeated in battle by Hidan and Kakuzu. Akatsuki then removed the Nibi from within Yugito, killing her.
The Bijuu
History and Myth
The feline is a common species throughout the world and stories of cat bakemono (monsters) are popular throughout Japan. In myth the neko-mata (forked-cat) is said to be an older cat that has had its tail split in two. Reportedly large in size, these cats are said have the ability to manipulate the dead like puppets and have been associated with strange fires and occurrences. This may be related to the Nibi's ikiryou (living ghost) nickname and fire-breathing abilities.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form
Ikiryou Yugito maintains a high level of control over her Jinchuuriki-bijuu form. With chakra emanating from out of her, she will hunch over and the Nibi demon itself will materialize. Smaller than the similar Shukaku form, the Nibi still proves a threat. In this form Yugito is able to emit fiery spectral blasts from the cat's mouth. These blasts are very destructive and when coupled with the Nibi strength, the surrounding area can be reduced to rubble.
The Bijuu
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 317
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: None
Bijuu: Three-Tailed Demon Turtle
Status: Captured and sealed by Akatsuki
Info: Akatsuki tracked down the location of the Sanbi, the three-tailed demon turtle. Sanbi is "in the wild," with no Jinchuuriki host. For this reason he was weaker, as he could not properly control his power. Tobi was assigned to capture this demon and did so with the assistance of Deidara.
The Bijuu
History and Myth
The turtle is a common species throughout the world and stories of turtle and sea bakemono (monsters) have spread throughout Japan. In one myth, the Suppon no Yurei is the spirit of an eaten turtle. In the story three men were haunted by the spirit of a turtle they had eaten. The experience harmed them so much they were put into a state of shock for three days. Other sea monsters like the Umibouzu have been described as a green turtle, which is huge in size and is said to attack fisherman.
Elder Jinchuuriki and Yonbi
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 353
First Anime Appearance: Episode NA
Hidden Village: Unknown
Rank: Unknown (Probably Jounin)
Bijuu: Four-Tailed Demon ?
Power: Elemental Fusion Jutsu
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured and extracted by Akatsuki
Info: This unnamed Jinchuuriki was older than any other previously seen Jinchuuriki. He contained the four-tailed demon. It is unknown what animal the bijuu was. He was defeated in battle by Kisame. The large black mark on his nose and cheeks may be a influence of his bijuu.
The Bijuu
Uzumaki Naruto and Kyuubi
The Jinchuuriki
First Manga Appearance: Chapter 1
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Bijuu: Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Demon Fox)
Power: Mini-Kyuubi form ~ protective Kyuubi chakra taking fox form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Naruto
Drawbacks: Excessive use of Kyuubi destroys Naruto's body and makes him a mindless killing machine
Status: Active
Info: Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi within Naruto after it attacked Konoha. Like many Jinchuuriki, Naruto lead a lonely life. Over time though, he gained friends and left his life of despair behind. He has been trained by the Sannin Jiraiya to make full use of Jinchuuriki gifts.
The Bijuu
History and Myth
The Kyuubi is a kitsune or fox. In myth the fox was said to change shape and have long life and use magic. The number of tails the kitsune possesses is said to tie into their length of life, with one tail said to be gained for every 100 years of life. Their powers will also grow as they age. At 1,000 years and nine-tails, the fox attains near-deity like powers.
4th Yondaime Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Kyuubi within the baby Naruto. He was reported to have used the Shiki Fuujin technique to seal the Kyuubi within Naruto, then used the Hakke no Fuuin Shiki & Shishou Fuuin seal styles to keep the Kyuubi within Naruto. The seal created an internalized prison for the Kyuubi, with a barrier gate and seal holding him within. The seal was designed so the Kyuubi's chakra could exit the prison and enter Naruto, which Yondaime Hokage knew would help Naruto.
After the Kyuubi was placed into his body, three facial markings appeared on Naruto's cheeks. When Naruto gets very angry and his uncontrolled Kyuubi power leaks out, the whiskers grow in size and become more feral looking. His eyes also turn from blue to red. His teeth and fingernails also grow longer and sharper.

Other features which cause Naruto to resemble a fox is the orange, black and white color of his outfit, his penchant for mischief and the squinty look to his eyes when confused.
The Look

Chakra: In the beginning Naruto was able to draw on the Kyuubi's chakra in times of heightened emotional distress and anger. After training with Jiraiya, Naruto was able to learn to draw on the Kyuubi's chakra at will. This chakra allows Naruto to use jutsu beyond his normal ability range, such as summoning Gamabunta.

Chakra Defense: When Kyuubi enhanced in his normal form, the swirling red chakra can deflect incoming attacks. When in his tailed form, his body is encased in a red fox aura generated by the Kyuubi inside him. Though the chakra will appear to protect him from outside harm, it is constantly damaging his body. It destroys the cells and then later regenerates them. At higher levels of Kyuubi chakra concentration, such as in the four-tails state, the chakra itself becomes poison to outside touch. Should flesh touch the burning Kyuubi form, it will be burned and poisoned by the chakra. Simple medical healing alone will not heal the wound.

Chakra Offense: The Kyuubi chakra in his tailed form can be used offensively. Naruto can extend this chakra into arms which can grab and strike at his opponents. These deadly limbs are near unpredictable and can extend far away from his central body. From his four-tailed form, this attack becomes even more refined. He is able to strike quick and if his main body gets hit, it can melt away allowing him to attack from another angle. He can also release this deadly chakra in massive bursts, destroying everything around it outwards spherically. In one of his deadliest attacks, he can swallow a mixture of the dark Kyuubi chakra and his own blood and then fire the chakra in a huge blast.

Healing: Because Kyuubi's life is tied to Naruto's own, one side affect of their union is the Kyuubi healing Naruto when injured. Unfortunately extended use from high levels of healing is killing Naruto. Because cells have a finite lifespan, the body's heavy regeneration when critically injured is shortening his life.

Unleashed Bijuu Power Form
Naruto The first Kyuubi form revealed in the series, this form grants Naruto some measure of Kyuubi's chakra. This form typically emerges when Naruto becomes enraged. His whiskers turn more feral and his eyes turn red. His hair becomes bushy, his incisors grow longer and his fingernails grow sharp. In this form he is surrounded in the Kyuubi chakra and is able to move more quickly, use more chakra draining jutsu, heal his body faster and strike with more force.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (One-Tail)
Naruto When Naruto fought Sasuke at the Valley of the End, he was desperate to get his friend to return to Konoha. The fight pushed Naruto past his limits. When the fight began to turn in Sasuke's favor, the Kyuubi granted Naruto even more power than before, causing the red chakra surrounding Naruto to boil and bubble and take on the shape of a fox with long ears and a tail. This chakra is not bound to Naruto's body, being able to move and extend in as striking limbs. Though Naruto remains conscious in this state, the chakra can seemingly react of its own will. In this state the chakra will also act as a defense against incoming attacks.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (Two-Tail)
Naruto When entering the two-tail state, Naruto becomes even more beast-like in appearance. His eyes grow larger and become outlined in a rough black. His incisor teeth also grow even larger than before. In a curious extension between the original Naruto and his shadow clones, when he entered this state his clones began to feel an intense burning within them, causing them to double over in pain.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (Three-Tail)
Naruto Naruto's three-tail form resembles that of two-tails. In this state Naruto was able to roar and extend chakra outwards to devastating result. This outwards destructive sphere of chakra was so intense so as to destroy surrounding matter and violently push back any incoming attack with but a simple roar.
Jinchuuriki-Bijuu Form (Four-Tail)
Naruto In this form Naruto loses all sense of himself, becoming a pure destructive beast with no regard for even his closest friends. In Naruto's internal Kyuubi prison, he crosses the protective barrier and falls into Kyuubi's grasp. Externally the Kyuubi chakra begins to melt off Naruto's very skin. His body changes to resemble the bushy whiskers on his face when enraged, and his hands form sharp claws. Ears and four tails extend from his body and he roars with a sharp maw of teeth. This form proves insanely destructive, able to roar, swipe and attack with hugely destructive results. And should any foes dare touch his form, they'll be burned by the intense heat. Unfortunately such prolonged usage of the Kyuubi tailed state is further weakening the seal Yondaime Hokage used to contain the bijuu.
Jinchuuriki Control
First A power unique to Shodai Hokage was the ability to control Jinchuuriki and Bijuu. This ability was enhanced by his crystallized chakra necklace. Orochimaru deeply coveted this power and carried out forbidden experiments on many subjects. He spliced the genes of Shodai himself into these subjects in the hopes they would gain his ability to control bijuu and use Mokuton techniques. Only one subject survived and proved successful, Yamato, who would grow into a skilled ninja in his own right. Other sealing jutsu have also been developed to upset or alter the bijuu chakra influence on the host.
Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu • Kakuan Nitten Suishu - Hokage Style 60 Years Retirement Technique • Sanctuary Enlightenment Enclosing Palm
Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu Character Use: Shodai Hokage, Yamato
Rank: -
Note: Secret Technique
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu
Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu • Kakuan Nitten Suishu is a Ninjutsu technique unique to the First Hokage and his genetically infused double Yamato, however because Yamato is not Shodai himself, he does not have the same level of control. This hidden technique allows both men to control Jinchuuriki in conjunction with the unique crystallized chakra necklace. The crystal necklace responds to the First Hokage's chakra, which in turn allows them to control the chakra of the Jinchuuriki. This power was so coveted, it was said to be the reason Shodai was made Hokage, and why Yamato was made by Orochimaru.

To use the technique, a complex string of handseals will be used, and the user's palm will be extended. The palm will bear the "sit" kanji. Drawing close, the user will place their palm on the chest of the Jinchuuriki and then withdraw, an emanation of chakra will then follow from the seal to the palm. Spiked posts will rise and surround the Jinchuuriki to corral them. In a short time, the Jinchuuriki's bijuu manifestation and chakra will withdraw from their body into the chest seal, eventually returning them to normal.

Kyuubi Chakra Seal (Unnamed)
Kyuubi Chakra Seal Character Use: Jiraiya, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary

Kyuubi Chakra Seal
This unnamed Kyuubi chakra sealing tag was given to Hatake Kakashi by the Sannin Jiraiya. When Jiraiya and Naruto left to train for two and a half years, Naruto began to further develop his ability to call on the chakra of the Kyuubi. Unfortunately the power of the Kyuubi would become too much, turning Naruto more feral and animalistic than ever before. When Naruto would lose control, the Kyuubi chakra would pour forth, and a tail would appear as the Kyuubi chakra increased. This special tag is placed on Naruto's forehead to stop this process. It will quickly begin to weaken Naruto and cut off the intense power of the Kyuubi.

Gogyou Fuuin - Five Elements Seal
Gogyou Fuuin Character Use: Orochimaru
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary

Gogyou Fuuin
Gogyou Fuuin is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the Sannin Orochimaru. Orochimaru forms an elemental seal on each of his fingers, one for each of the five elements (water, metal, earth, fire and wood). He used this odd numbered seal to disrupt the affects of the even numbered Shishou Fuuin placed on Naruto's stomach by the Fourth Hokage. The Gogyou Fuuin would disrupt the Shishou Fuuin's ability to let the Kyuubi's chakra blend into Naruto's chakra.

Jinchuuriki Creation and Bijuu Extraction
Chiyo The ability to contain the power bijuu and sync them with a human has long been coveted. The process to create a Jinchuuriki varies, but all jutsu variation seem to have the resonation alignment of the bijuu and host at its core. The process to then split the Jinchuuriki back into its bijuu and human parts also relies on this same resonation. It should be noted the exact events surrounding the Kyuubi's imprisonment within Naruto have not yet fully been revealed. For that reason, how his soul was removed through Shiki Fuujin and then placed in someone other than the Fourth Hokage is unknown.
Shiki Fuujin - Corpse Spirit Sealing Method
Shiki Fuujin Character Use: Fourth Hokage, Third Hokage
Rank: S
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Shiki Fuujin
Shiki Fuujin is a Fuuinjutsu technique developed by the Fourth Hokage. A variation of this technique was used to seal the Kyuubi within Naruto. The technique was taught to the Third Hokage who later used it in battle. After calling forth the Shinigami (Death God) with the proper handseals, the user will hand over their soul in exchange for the Death God removing the soul from his target. The ultimate sacrificial jutsu, this technique can be used by a Kage Bunshin, but the Death God will still remove the original caster's soul.

With the jutsu activated, a spectral form of the caster will appear in front of the Death God. The Death God will push his arm through this spectral body, and the arm will extend from the chest of the real caster. This forces the caster to be close or grasping his target. The arm will reach out into the body of the target, and draw their soul from their body. If the Death God is unable to remove the whole soul because of the near death of the caster, it can remove it's knife and merely slice off a portion of the spectral form's soul to consume. This will render the targets corresponding body part dead and useless. The soul portion removed will then be sealed within the chest of the caster. Both the soul of the target and the caster will never pass into the afterlife. They will be condemned to suffer in the Death God's stomach for all eternity, locked in a hated combat, never to escape.

Hakke no Fuuin Shiki - Eight Divination Signs Seal Style & Shishou Fuuin - Four Image Seal
Hakke no Fuuin Shiki Character Use: Fourth Hokage
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary

Hakke no Fuuin Shiki
Hakke no Fuuin Shiki was a Fuuinjutsu technique used by the Fourth Hokage. The Hakke no Fuuin Shiki was used in conjunction with the Shiki Fuujin technique to seal the Kyuubi demon within the stomach of Naruto. The Hakke no Fuuin Shiki allows the two Shishou Fuuin to leak the Kyuubi chakra back into Naruto's own chakra. This allows Naruto to drawn on the chakra of the Kyuubi and still keep the Kyuubi itself imprisoned. Naruto can access this chakra whenever he experiences heightened emotions or when his own chakra is drained.

Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Attachment (Chiyo Version - Unnamed)
Bijuu Character Use: Chiyo
Rank: Unknown
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

This unnamed Fuuinjutsu technique attached the Shukaku Ichibi to Gaara's unborn body. Shukaku was attached to two Sand ninja previously by Chiyo, presumably using this same technique. To attach the demon, the technique must bring the two beings into synch, both bijuu and human. As a consequence of the attachment, Gaara's mother Karura lost her life. Akatsuki has termed the attachment of demons to an individual and the resulting loss of life a "Jinchuuriki," literally "the power of human sacrifice." Such a technique will grant the human portions of the demons power. Kazekage hoped this would create an ultimate ninja, who would have near unlimited chakra from the demon. As a result of Shukaku's attachment, the demon protects Gaara with nearby sand.

Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin - Complete Nine Mystical Dragon Seal
Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin Character Use: Akatsuki (Zetsu, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, etc.)
Rank: Unknown
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin
Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin is a Fuuinjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki. To further their goals, they seek to capture all the "jinchuuriki," literally "the power of human sacrifice" a.k.a. demon possessors such as Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara. Akatsuki seeks to use the bijuu (tailed demon beasts) for their unique abilites. Once they capture one of the jinchuuriki, they will bring them to a hidden location. All nine members need not be physically present, they can use their astral projection technique to transport a spectral form of themselves into the cave.

The members will first summon the huge "king of hell" statue. This statue has its mouth bound and eyes covered. Once they begin the technique, the mouth binding will fall away and nine spectral dragons will emerge from its mouth to strike the jinchuuriki. This will then begin the extraction process. With the absence of Orochimaru, the process will take three straight day and nights. During this period the members will release the same exact amount of power as that of the bijuu, this synchronization will thus allow its removal. As the extraction continues, the statues eyes will open to reveal the current status of previous jinchuriki captures, with irises appearing in the eyes to apparently represent a capture.

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